The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.


69.—­1.  Million Marka Pavlova.  Fragment of the tcheque translation of the
    Berlin Museum.  Prague, No. 3 F. 26, XVth cent., by an Anonym,
    Moravian? (Vybor z Literatury ceske II. v Praze, 1868.)

70.—­2.  Pohledy do Velkorise mongolske v cas nejmocnejsiho rozkvetu jejiho
    za Kublaje kana.  Na zaklade cestopisu Marka Polova podava A.J. 
    Vrtatko. (Vynato z Casopisu Musea kral.  Ceskeho 1873.) V Praze, J.
    Otto, 1873, 8vo, pp. 71.

M.A.  Jarosl.  Vrtatko has translated the whole of Marco Polo, but he has published only this fragment.


71.—­1. [Russian:  Marko Polo puteshestvie v’ 1286 godu po Tatarii i
    drugim’ stranam’ vostoka venetsianskago dvoryanina Marko Polo,
    proevannago Millionerom’,—­Tri chasti.]—­St. Petersburg, 1873, 8vo,
    pp. 250.

72.—­2. [Russian:  I.P.  Minaev’.—­Puteshestvie Marko Polo perevod’
    starofrantsueskago teksta.—­Izdanie Imp.  Rysskago Geog.  Ouschestva
    pod’ redaktsiei d’istvitel’nago chlena V.V.  Bartol’da.]—­St.
    Petersburg, 1902, 8vo, pp. xxix + 1 f. + pp. 355.

Vol. xxvi. of the Zapiski of the Russian Geog.  Society, translated from the French.


73.—­The Gaelic Abridgment of the Book of Ser Marco Polo.  By Whitley
    Stokes. (Zeit. f.  Celtische Philologie, 1 Bd., 2 & 3 Hft.  Halle a. 
    S. 1896-7, 8vo, pp. 245-273, 362-438.)

Book of Lismore.—­See our Introduction, I. p. 103, note.


74.—­1.  The edition of Marco Polo in preparation by Klaproth is announced
    in the part of June, 1824 of the Journal Asiatique pp. 380-381.

“M.  Klaproth vient de terminer son travail sur Marco Polo, qui l’a occupe depuis plusieurs annees....

“La nouvelle edition de Marco Polo, que notre confrere prepare, contiendra l’italien de Ramusio, complete, et des Notes explicatives en bas des pages.  Elle sera accompagnee d’une Carte representant les pays visites ou decrits par le celebre Venitien.”

—­See also on this edition of Klaproth, the Bulletin des Sciences historiques, antiquites etc., juin 1824, art. 580; the Jour. des Savans, juillet 1824, pp. 446-447, and the Jour.  As. of 1824-1828:  Recherches sur les Ports de Gampou.  Klaproth’s materials for this edition were sold after his death Fr.200 to the bookseller Duprat; See Cat. des Livres composant la Bib. de M.K., II’e Partie, No. 292.

75.—­2.  Marco Polos Beskrivelse af det ostlige asiatiske Hoiland,
    forklaret ved C.V.  Rimestad.  Forste Afdeling, indeholdende
    Indiedningen og Ost-Turkestan.  Indbydelseskrift til den aarlige
    offentlige Examen i Borgerdydskolen i Kjobenhavn i Juli 1841. 
    Kjobenhavn, Trykt hos Bianco Luno. 1841, 8vo, pp. 80.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.