The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
that Marco Polo must have felt reluctant to call it the Chiang-Sui or ‘Yangtzu waterway.’  He was, however, correct enough, as usual, for the Chinese consider it to be the main upper stream of the Yangtzu.”—­H.C.] Though our Geographies give the specific names of Wen and Min to the great branch which flows by Ch’eng-tu fu, and treat the Tibetan branch which flows through northern Yunnan under the name of Kin Sha or “Golden Sand,” as the main river, the Chinese seem always to have regarded the former as the true Kiang; as may be seen in Ritter (IV. 650) and Martini.  The latter describes the city as quite insulated by the ramifications of the river, from which channels and canals pass all about it, adorned with many quays and bridges of stone.

The numerous channels in reuniting form two rivers, one the Min, and the other the To-Kiang, which also joins the Yangtzu at Lu-chau.

[In his Introductory Essay to Captain Gill’s River of Golden Sand, Colonel Yule (p. 37) writes:  “Captain Gill has pointed out that, of the many branches of the river which ramify through the plain of Ch’eng-tu, no one now passes through the city at all corresponding in magnitude to that which Marco Polo describes, about 1283, as running through the midst of Sin-da-fu, ‘a good half-mile wide, and very deep withal.’  The largest branch adjoining the city now runs on the south side, but does not exceed a hundred yards in width; and though it is crossed by a covered bridge with huxters’ booths, more or less in the style described by Polo, it necessarily falls far short of his great bridge of half a mile in length.  Captain Gill suggests that a change may have taken place in the last five (this should be six) centuries, owing to the deepening of the river-bed at its exit from the plain, and consequent draining of the latter.  But I should think it more probable that the ramification of channels round Ch’eng-tu, which is so conspicuous even on a small general map of China, like that which accompanies this work, is in great part due to art; that the mass of the river has been drawn off to irrigate the plain; and that thus the wide river, which in the 13th century may have passed through the city, no unworthy representative of the mighty Kiang, has long since ceased, on that scale, to flow.  And I have pointed out briefly that the fact, which Baron Richthofen attests, of an actual bifurcation of waters on a large scale taking place in the plain of Ch’eng-tu—­one arm ‘branching east to form the To’ (as in the terse indication of the Yue-Kung)—­viz. the To Kiang or Chung-Kiang flowing south-east to join the great river at Lu-chau, whilst another flows south to Sue-chau or Swi-fu, does render change in the distribution of the waters about the city highly credible.”] [See Irrigation of the Ch’eng-tu Plain, by Joshua Vale, China Inland Mission in Jour.  China Br.R.A.S.Soc. XXXIII. 1899-1900, pp. 22-36.—­H.C.]

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.