The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.


Reigns.  Duration Dates.  Duration Reigns.  Duration Dates.
                of reign. of reign. of reign. 
                Years.  Years.  Years.

Icon Amlac 15 1268-1283 15 .. .. 14 1255-1269
Igba Zion 9 1283-1292 9 Woudem Arad 15 1269-1284
Bahar Segued \ Kudma Asgud
Tzenaff " | Asfa " 3 1284-1287
Jan " | 5 1292-1297 5 Sinfa "
Hazeb Araad | Bar " 5 1287-1292
Kedem Segued / Igba Zion 9 1292-1301
Wedem Arad 15 1297-1312 15 .. .. .. .. 
Amda Zion 30 1312-1342 30 .. .. 30 1301-1331
Saif Arad 28 1342-1370 28 .. .. 28 1331-1359
Wedem Asferi 10 1370-1380 10 .. .. 10 1359-1369
David II 29 1380-1409 29 .. .. 32 1369-1401
Theodorus 3 1409-1412 3 .. .. 1 1401-1402
Isaac 17 1412-1429 15 .. .. 15 1402-1417
Andreas 0-7/12 1429 0-7/12 .. .. 7 1417-1424
Haseb Nanya 4 1429-1433 4 .. .. 5 1424-1429
Sarwe Yasus \
               | 1-1/12 1433-1434 1 .. .. 5 1429-1434
Ameda Yasus /
Zara Jacob 34 1434-1468 34-1/8 .. .. 34 1434-1468
Beda Mariam 10 1468-1478 10 .. .. 10 1468-1478
Iskander \
               | 17 1478-1495 17-7/12 .. .. 16 1478-1494
Ameda Zion /
Naod 13 1495-1508 13 .. .. 13 1494-1507
David III 32 1508-1540 32 .. .. 32 1507-1536
Claudius .. 1540 .. .. .. .. ..

Bruce checks his chronology by an eclipse which took place in 1553, and which the Abyssinian chronicle assigns to the 13th year of Claudius.  This alone would be scarcely satisfactory as a basis for the retrospective control of reigns extending through nearly three centuries; but we find some other checks.

Thus in Quatremere’s Makrizi we find a correspondence between Sultan Bibars and the King of Habasha, or of Amhara, Mahar AMLAK, which occurred in A.H. 672 or 673, i.e.  A.D. 1273-1274.  This would fall within the reign of Icon AMLAK according to Bruce’s chronology, but not according to Salt’s, and a fortiori not according to any chronology throwing the reigns further back still.

In Quatremere’s Egypte we find another notice of a letter which came to the Sultan of Egypt from the King of Abyssinia, IAKBA SIUN, in Ramadhan 689, i.e. in the end of A.D. 1289.

Project Gutenberg
The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.