The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.

The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,335 pages of information about The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2.
also occurs in Rashiduddin, in Hayton, and in Jordanus (see next note). (See Van der Tuuk, work quoted above (p. 287), p. 118; J.  As. ser.  IV., tom. viii. 145; J.  Ind.  Arch. IV. 187; Elliot, I. 70.) [Sinhala or Sihala, “lions’ abode,” with the addition of “Island,” Sihala-dvipa, comes down to us in Cosmas [Greek:  Sielediba] (Hobson-Jobson).]

NOTE 3.—­The native king at this time was Pandita Prakrama Bahu III., who reigned from 1267 to 1301 at Dambadenia, about 40 miles north-north-east of Columbo.  But the Tamuls of the continent had recently been in possession of the whole northern half of the island.  The Singhalese Chronicle represents Prakrama to have recovered it from them, but they are so soon again found in full force that the completeness of this recovery may be doubted.  There were also two invasions of Malays (Javaku) during this reign, under the lead of a chief called Chandra Banu.  On the second occasion this invader was joined by a large Tamul reinforcement.  Sir E. Tennent suggests that this Chandra Banu may be Polo’s Sende-main or Sendernaz, as Ramusio has it.  Or he may have been the Tamul chief in the north; the first part of the name may have been either Chandra or Sundara.

NOTE 4.—­Kazwini names the brazil, or sapan-wood of Ceylon.  Ibn Batuta speaks of its abundance (IV. 166); and Ribeyro does the like (ed. of Columbo, 1847, p. 16); see also Ritter, VI. 39, 122; and Trans.  R.A.S. I. 539.

Sir E. Tennent has observed that Ibn Batuta is the first to speak of the Ceylon cinnamon.  It is, however, mentioned by Kazwini (circa A.D. 1275), and in a letter written from Mabar by John of Montecorvino about the very time that Marco was in these seas. (See Ethe’s Kazwini, 229, and Cathay, 213.)

[Mr. G. Phillips, in the Jour.  China B.R.A.Soc., XX. 1885, pp. 209-226; XXI. 1886, pp. 30-42, has given, under the title of The Seaports of India and Ceylon, a translation of some parts of the Ying-yai-sheng-lan, a work of a Chinese Mahomedan, Ma-Huan, who was attached to the suite of Ch’eng-Ho, an envoy of the Emperor Yong-Lo (A.D. 1403-1425) to foreign countries.  Mr. Phillips’s translation is a continuation of the Notes of Mr. W.P.  Groeneveldt, who leaves us at Lambri, on the coast of Sumatra.  Ma-Huan takes us to the Ts’ui-lan Islands (Nicobars) and to Hsi-lan-kuo (Ceylon), whose “people,” he says (p. 214), “are abundantly supplied with all the necessaries of life.  They go about naked, except that they wear a green handkerchief round their loins, fastened with a waist-band.  Their bodies are clean-shaven, and only the hair of their heads is left....  They take no meal without butter and milk, if they have none and wish to eat, they do so unobserved and in private.  The betel-nut is never out of their mouths.  They have no wheat, but have rice, sesamum, and peas.  The cocoa-nut, which they have in abundance, supplies them with oil, wine, sugar, and food.”  Ma-Huan arrived at Ceylon at Pieh-lo-li, on the 6th of the 11th moon (seventh year, Suean Teh, end of 1432).  Cf. Sylvain Levi, Ceylan et la Chine, J. As., Mai-juin, 1900, p. 411 seqq.

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The Travels of Marco Polo — Volume 2 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.