The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.

The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.
of refuge for the women and children, the sick and the wounded; and yet it was insisted that the honor of Spain required bloodshed—­not much, perhaps, but enough to prove that the army of Spain was warlike.  When the American army had been reinforced so as to have 8,000 men ready to take the field, General Merritt and Admiral Dewey had a conference and agreed to send the Spaniards in authority a formal notification that in forty-eight hours they would bombard and assail the defenses of the city of Manila if it were not surrendered.  The Spanish reply was that the Americans could commence operations at once, but there was no place where the women and children, the wounded and the sick could go to find a place of security.  This was tantamount to a declaration that the Spaniards were sliding into a surrender, but wanted to make a claim to the contrary.

The residence of the Archbishop is within the walled city and a very substantial edifice, the stone work confined to the lower story and hardwood timber freely used in massive form instead of stone.  His grace was seated at a small table in a broad hall, with a lamp and writing material before him.  He is imposing as a man of importance and his greeting was cordial to kindliness.  He said his acknowledgments were personally due the American people for the peace of mind he had enjoyed during the occupation of the city by the army of the United States, for its establishment of order and the justice in administration that relieved good citizens from oppression and alarm.  He was glad to have Americans know his sensibility on this subject, and wanted me to convey his sentiments to the President.

When asked what it was that caused the insurgents to be so ferocious against the priests and resolved on their expulsion or destruction he said the rebels were at once false, unjust and ungrateful.  They had been lifted from savagery by Catholic teachers, who had not only been educators in the schools but teachers in the fields.  The same Catholic Orders that were singled out for special punishment had planted in the islands the very industries that were sources of prosperity, and the leaders of the insurgents had been largely educated by the very men whom now they persecuted.  Some of the persecutors had been in Europe and became revolutionists in the sense of promoting disorder as anarchists.  It was the antagonism of the church to murderous anarchy that aroused the insurgents of the Philippines to become the deadly enemies of priests and church orders.  It was true in Spain, as in the Philippines, that the anarchists were particularly inflamed against the church.  His grace did not seem to have heard of the American anarchist, but the European revolutionist has received a large share of his attention.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.