The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.

The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.

“A canoe came from an adjoining district, bound within the bay.  In the canoe were two chiefs of some rank, Kekuhaupio and Kalimu.  The canoe was fired upon from one of the boats and Kalimu was killed.  Kekuhaupio made the greatest speed till he reached the place of the king, where Captain Cook also was, and communicated the intelligence of the death of the chief.  The attendants of the king were enraged and showed signs of hostility, but were restrained by the thought that Captain Cook was a god.  At that instant a warrior, with a spear in his hand, approached Captain Cook and was heard to say that the boats in the harbor had killed his brother, and he would he revenged.  Captain Cook, from his enraged appearance and that of the multitude, was suspicious of him, and fired upon him with his pistol.  Then followed a scene of confusion, and in the midst Captain Cook being hit with a stone, and perceiving the man who threw it, shot him dead.  He also struck a certain chief with his sword, whose name was Kalaimanokahoowaha.  The chief instantly seized Captain Cook with a strong hand, designing merely to hold him and not to take his life; for he supposed him to be a god and that he could not die.  Captain Cook struggled to free himself from the grasp, and as he was about to fall uttered a groan.  The people immediately exclaimed, “He groans—­he is not a god,” and instantly slew him.  Such was the melancholy death of Captain Cook.

“Immediately the men in the boat commenced a deliberate fire upon the crowd.  They had refrained in a measure before, for fear of killing their Captain.  Many of the natives were killed.”

“Historian Dibble does not notice the evidence that Cook lost his life by turning to his men in the boats, ordering them not to fire.  It was at that moment he was stabbed in the back.  Dibble represents the facts as if to justify the massacre of the great navigator, because he allowed the heathen to think he was one of their gang of gods.  But this presumption ought not to have been allowed to excuse prevarication about testimony.  The importance of Dibble’s history is that it is representative.  He concludes with this eloquent passage:  “From one heathen nation we may learn in a measure the wants of all.  And we ought not to restrict our view, but, look at the wide world.  To do then for all nations what I have urged in behalf of the Sandwich Islands, how great and extensive a work!  How vast the number of men and how immense the amount of means which seem necessary to elevate all nations, and gain over the whole earth to the permanent dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Can 300,000,000 of pagan children and youth be trained and instructed by a few hands?  Can the means of instructing them be furnished by the mere farthings and pence of the church?  Will it not be some time yet before ministers and church members will need to be idle a moment for the want of work?  Is there any danger of our being cut off from the blessed privilege either of giving or

Project Gutenberg
The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.