The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.

The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 617 pages of information about The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions,.

Neeker Island was taken possession of May 27th, 1894, by Captain James A. King, on behalf of the Hawaiian Government.

French Frigate Shoal was the latest acquisition, also by Captain King, and proclaimed Hawaiian territory July 13th, 1895.

Gardener Island, Mara or Moro Reef, Pearl and Hermes Reef, Gambia Bank, and Johnston or Cornwallis Island are also claimed as Hawaiian possessions, but there is some obscurity as to the dates of acquisition, and it is of record in the Foreign Office articles of convention between Hen.  Charles St. Julien, the Commissioner and Political and Commercial Agent of His Majesty the King of the Hawaiian Islands, and John Webster, Esq., the Sovereign Chief and Proprietor of the group of islands known as Stewart’s Islands (situated near the Solomon Group), whereby is ceded to the Hawaiian Government—­subject to ratification by the King—­the islands of Ihikaiana, Te Parena, Taore, Matua Awi and Matua Ivoto, comprising said group of Stewart’s Islands.  But the formalities do not seem to have been perfected, so that we are not certain that the Stewart’s Islands are our possessions.  The latest thorough census of the Hawaiian Islands was taken in September, 1896, but the population was closely estimated July 1st, 1897.

Japan- Portu- All Other
Natives.  Chinese. ese. guese.  Foreigners.  Total
Population as per Census,
September, 1896 39,504 21,616 24,407 15,191 8,302 109,020
Excess over departures,
4th quarter, 1896 ...... 1,377 1,673 ...... 339 3,389
Excess over departures,
6 mos. to July 1, 1897. ...... 2,908 396 58 207 3,569
====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ======
Total 39,504 25,901 26,476 15,249 8,848 115,978

The following denominations of Hawaiian silver were coined during the reign of Kalakaua, at the San Francisco mint, and imported for the circulating medium of the islands in 1883 and 1884.  They are of the same intrinsic value as the United States silver coins and were first introduced into circulation January 14th, at the opening of the bank of Clans Spreckles & Co. in Honolulu.  The amount coined was $1,000,000, divided as follows: 

Hawaiian Dollars...................................$   500,000
"    Half Dollars..............................    350,000
"    Quarter Dollars...........................    125,000
"    Dimes.....................................     25,000
Total..............................................$ 1,000,000

Schools, Teachers and Pupils for the Year 1896.

==Teachers.==             ==Pupils.==
Schools.   Male.     Female.      Total.    Male.      Female. 
Government    132      111         169      280     5,754      4,435
Independent    63       72         130      202     1,994      1,840
====     ====        ====     ====     ======     ======
195      183         299      482     7,748      6,275

Nationality of Pupils Attending Schools for the Year 1896.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.