The Courage of Captain Plum eBook

James Oliver Curwood
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about The Courage of Captain Plum.

The Courage of Captain Plum eBook

James Oliver Curwood
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 203 pages of information about The Courage of Captain Plum.

The continued absence of Obadiah Price began to fill Captain Plum with impatience.  After an hour’s wait he reentered the cabin and made his way to the little room, where the candle was still burning dimly.  To his astonishment he beheld the old man sitting beside the table.  His thin face was propped between his hands and his eyes were closed as if he was asleep.  They shot open instantly on Captain Plum’s appearance.

“I’ve been waiting for you, Nat,” he cried, straightening himself with spring-like quickness.  “Waiting for you a long time, Nat!” He rubbed his hands and chuckled at his own familiarity.  “I saw you out there enjoying yourself.  What did you think of her, Nat?” He winked with such audacious glee that, despite his own astonishment, Captain Plum burst into a laugh.  Obadiah Price held up a warning hand.  “Tut, tut, not so loud!” he admonished.  His face was a map of wrinkles.  His little black eyes shone with silent laughter.  There was no doubt but that he was immensely pleased over something.  “Tell me, Nat—­why did you come to St. James?”

He leaned forward over the table, his odd white head almost resting on it, and twiddled his thumbs with wonderful rapidity.  “Eh, Nat?” he urged.  “Why did you come?”

“Because it was too hot and uninteresting lying out there in a calm, Dad,” replied the master of the Typhoon.  “We’ve been roasting for thirty-six hours without a breath to fill our sails.  I came over to see what you people are like.  Any harm done?”

“Not a bit, not a bit—­yet,” chuckled the old man.  “And what’s your business, Nat?”


“Ho, ho, ho! of course, I might have known it!  Sailing—­mostly.  Why, certainly you sail!  And why do you carry a pistol on one side of you and a knife on the other, Nat?”

“Troublous times, Dad.  Some of the fisher-folk along the Northern End aren’t very scrupulous.  They took a cargo of canned stuffs from me a year back.”

“And what use do you make of the four-pounder that’s wrapped up in tarpaulin under your deck, Nat?  And what in the world are you going to do with five barrels of gunpowder?”

“How in blazes—­” began Captain Plum.

“O, to be sure, to be sure—­they’re for the fisher-folk,” interrupted Obadiah Price.  “Blow ’em up, eh, Nat?  And you seem to be a young man of education, Nat.  How did you happen to make a mistake in your count?  Haven’t you twelve men aboard your sloop instead of eight, Nat?  Aren’t there twelve, instead of eight?  Eh, Nat?”

“The devil take you!” cried Captain Plum, leaping suddenly to his feet, his face flaming red.  “Yes, I have got twelve men and I’ve got a gun in tarpaulin and I’ve got five barrels of gunpowder!  But how in the name of Kingdom-Come did you find it out?”

Obadiah Price came around the end of the table and stood so close to Captain Plum that a person ten feet away could not have heard him when he spoke.

Project Gutenberg
The Courage of Captain Plum from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.