corrupted doctrine concerning original sin, our natural
inability and rebellion to God’s law, our justification
by faith only, our imperfect sanctification and obedience
to the law; the nature, number, and use of the holy
sacraments: His five bastard sacraments; with
all his rites, ceremonies, and false doctrine, added
to the ministration of the true sacraments, without
the Word of God: His cruel judgment against infants
departing without the sacrament: His absolute
necessity of baptism: His blasphemous opinion
of transubstantiation, or real presence of Christ’s
body in the elements, and receiving of the same by
the wicked, or bodies of men: His dispensations
with solemn oaths, perjuries, and degrees of marriage
forbidden in the Word; His cruelty against the innocent
divorced: His devilish mass: His blasphemous
priesthood: His profane sacrifice for the sins
of the dead and the quick: His canonization of
men; calling upon angels or saints departed; worshipping
of imagery, relics and crosses; dedicating of kirks,
altars, days; Vows to creatures: His purgatory,
prayers for the dead; praying or speaking in a strange
language; with his processions and blasphemous litany,
and multitude of advocates or mediators: His manifold
orders, auricular confession: His desperate and
uncertain repentance; His general and doubtsome faith:
His satisfactions of men for their sins: His
justification by works,
opus operatum, works
of supererogation, merits, pardons, peregrinations
and stations: His holy water, baptizing of bells,
conjuring of spirits, crossing, earning, anointing,
conjuring, hallowing of God’s good creatures,
with the superstitious opinion joined therewith:
His worldly monarchy, and wicked hierarchy: His
three solemn vows, with all his shavellings of sundry
sorts: His erroneous and bloody decrees made
at Trent, with all the subscribers and approvers of
that cruel and bloody bond, conjured against the Kirk
of God.
And finally, we detest all his vain allegories, rites,
signs, and traditions brought into the Kirk, without
or against the Word of God and doctrine of this true
reformed Kirk; to the which we join ourselves willingly,
in doctrine, faith, religion, discipline, and use of
the holy sacraments, as lively members of the same
in Christ our head: Promising and swearing by
the Great Name of the Lord our God, that we
shall continue in the obedience of the doctrine and
discipline of this kirk, and shall defend the same
according to our vocation and power, all the days
of our lives, under the pains continued in the law
and danger both of body and soul, in the day of God’s
fearful judgment. And, seeing that many are stirred
up by Satan and that Roman Antichrist, to promise,
swear, subscribe, and for a time use the holy sacraments
in the Kirk deceitfully against their own consciences,
minding thereby, first, under the external cloak of
religion, to corrupt and subvert secretly God’s
true religion within the Kirk, and afterwards, when
the time may serve, to become open enemies and persecutors
of the same, under vain hope of the Pope’s dispensation
devised against the Word of God, to his greater confusion,
and their double condemnation in the day of the Lord