Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile.

Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile.

On the level and down grade everything went smoothly, but at every up grade the friction and waste of power were apparent.  Inspection time and again showed everything clear, and it was not until late in the afternoon the cause of the trouble was discovered.  A tell-tale mark on the surface of the fly-wheel showed friction against something, and we found that while the wheel ran freely if we were out of the machine, with the load in, and especially on up grades with the chain drawing the framework closer to the running gear, the rim of the wheel just grazed a bolt-head in a small brace underneath, thereby producing the peculiar grating noise we had heard and materially checking the motor.  The shortening of the struts and reaches to admit the short chain had done all this.  As the chain had stretched a little, we were able to lengthen slightly the struts so as to give a little more clearance; it was also possible to shift the brace about a quarter of an inch, and the machine once more ran freely under all conditions.

Within twenty miles of Canandaigua the country is quite rolling and many of the hills steep.  Twice we were obliged to get out and let the machine mount the grades, which it did; but it was apparent that for the hills and mountains of New York the gearing was too high.

On hard roads in a level country high gearing is all well enough, and a high average speed can be maintained, but where the roads are soft or the country rolling, a high gear may mean a very material disadvantage in the long run.

It is of little use to be able to run thirty or forty miles on the level if at every grade or soft spot it is necessary to throw in the hill-climbing gear, thereby reducing the speed to from four to six miles per hour; the resulting average is low.  A carriage that will take the hills and levels of New York at the uniform speed of fifteen miles an hour will finish far ahead of one that is compelled to use low gears at every grade, even though the latter easily makes thirty or forty miles on the level.

The machine we were using had but two sets of gears,—­a slow and a fast.  All intermediate speeds were obtained by throttling the engine.  The engine was easily governed, and on the level any speed from the lowest to the maximum could be obtained without juggling with the clutches; but on bad roads and in hilly localities intermediate gears are required if one is to get the best results out of a motor.  As the gasoline motor develops its highest efficiency when it is running at full speed, there should be enough intermediate gears so the maximum speed may be maintained under varying conditions.  As the road gets heavy or the grades steep, the drop is made from one gear down to another; but at all times and under all conditions—­if there are enough intermediate gears—­the machine is being driven with the motor running fast.

With only two gears where roads or grades are such that the high gear cannot be used, there is nothing to do but drop to the low, —­from thirty miles an hour to five or six,—­and the engine runs as if it had no load at all.  American roads especially demand intermediate gears if best results are to be attained, the conditions change so from mile to mile.

Project Gutenberg
Two Thousand Miles on an Automobile from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.