The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 5, March, 1858 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 5, March, 1858.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 5, March, 1858 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 309 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 5, March, 1858.

However, it is not for me to talk.  I have made mistakes enough in conversation and print.  “Don’t” for doesn’t,—­base misspelling of Clos Vougeot, (I wish I saw the label on the bottle a little oftener,)—­and I don’t know how many more.  I never find them out until they are stereotyped, and then I think they rarely escape me.  I have no doubt I shall make half a dozen slips before this breakfast is over, and remember them all before another.  How one does tremble with rage at his own intense momentary stupidity about things he knows perfectly well, and to think how he lays himself open to the impertinences of the captatores verborum, those useful but humble scavengers of the language, whose business it is to pick up what might offend or injure, and remove it, hugging and feeding on it as they go!  I don’t want to speak too slightingly of these verbal critics;—­how can I, who am so fond of talking about errors and vulgarisms of speech?  Only there is a difference between those clerical blunders which almost every man commits, knowing better, and that habitual grossness or meanness of speech which is unendurable to educated persons, from anybody that wears silk or broadcloth.

[I write down the above remarks this morning, January 26th, making this record of the date that nobody may think it was written in wrath, on account of any particular grievance suffered from the invasion of any individual scarabaeus grammaticus.]

——­I wonder if anybody ever finds fault with anything I say at this table when it is repeated?  I hope they do, I am sure.  I should be very certain that I had said nothing of much significance, if they did not.

Did you never, in walking in the fields, come across a large flat stone, which had lain, nobody knows how long, just where you found it, with the grass forming a little hedge, as it were, all round it, close to its edges,—­and have you not, in obedience to a kind of feeling that told you it had been lying there long enough, insinuated your stick or your foot or your fingers under its edge and turned it over as a housewife turns a cake, when she says to herself, “It’s done brown enough by this time”?  What an odd revelation, and what an unforeseen and unpleasant surprise to a small community, the very existence of which you had not suspected, until the sudden dismay and scattering among its members produced by your turning the old stone over!  Blades of grass flattened down, colorless, matted together, as if they had been bleached and ironed; hideous crawling creatures, some of them coleopterous or horny-shelled,—­turtle-bugs one wants to call them; some of them softer, but cunningly spread out and compressed like Lepine watches; (Nature never loses a crack or a crevice, mind you, or a joint in a tavern bedstead, but she always has one of her flat-pattern live timekeepers to slide into it;) black, glossy crickets, with their long filaments sticking out like the whips of four-horse stage-coaches; motionless,

Project Gutenberg
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 01, No. 5, March, 1858 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.