336. Dictamnus albus. White or bastard dittany. The Root.—The cortical part of the root, dried and rolled up into quills, is sometimes brought to us. This is of a white colour, a weak, not very agreeable smell; and a durable bitter, lightly pungent taste. It is recommended as an alexipharmic.
337. Equisetum palustre. Horse-tail. The Herb.—It is said to be a very strong astringent: it has indeed a manifest astringency, but in a very low degree.
338. Erysimum officinale.—It is said to be attenuant, expectorant, and diuretic; and has been strongly recommended in chronical coughs and hoarseness. Rondeletius informs us that the last-mentioned complaint, occasioned by loud speaking, was cured by this plant in three days. Other testimonies of its good effects in this disorder are recorded by writers on the Materia Medica, of whom we may mention Dr. Cullen; who for this purpose recommends the juice of the Erysimum to be mixed with an euqal quantity of honey and sugar; in this way also it is said to be an useful remedy in ulcerations of the mouth and throat.—Woodville’s Med. Bot. p. 407.
339. Erysimum Alliaria. Sauce alone.—The leaves of this plant are very acrimonious, and have a strong flavour of onions. It is considered as a powerful diaphoretic, diuretic, and antiscorbutic.—Woodville’s Med. Bot.
340. Eupatorium cannabinum. Hemp agrimony, &c. Leaves.—They are greatly recommended for strengthening the tone of the viscera, and as an aperient; and said to have excellent effects in the dropsy, jaundice, cachexies, and scorbutic disorders. Boerhaave informs us, that this is the common medicine of the turf-diggers in Holland, against scurvies, foul ulcers, and swellings in the feet, which they are subject to. The roof of this plant is said to operate as a strong cathartic.
341. Euphorbia Esula. Spurge flax. Its Berries.—These are useful in removing warts and excrescences, if bruised and laid thereon. They are so acrid in their nature as to be altogether unfit for internal use.
342. EUPHRASIA officinalis. Eyebright. Leaves.—It was formerly celebrated as an ophtalmic, both taken internally and applied externally. Hildanus says he has known old men of seventy, who had lost their sight, recover it again by the use of this herb.
343. Fragaria vesca. The strawberry. The Leaves and Fruit.—They are somewhat styptic, and bitterish; and hence my be of some service in debility and laxity of the viscera, and immoderate secretions, or a suppression of the natural evacuations depending thereon: they are recommended in haemorrhages and fluxes; and likewise as aperients, in suppressions of urine, obstructions of the viscera, in the jaundice, &c. The fruit is in general very grateful both to the palate and stomach: like other fruits of the dulco-acid kind, they abate heat, quench thirst, loosen the belly, and promote urine.