677 Parthenium integrifolium Intire-leaved Parthenium c.m. 678 Urtica nivea Snowy Nettle c.m.
669 Smilax herbacea Herbaceous Smilax b.l.s.
680 Datisca cannabina Bastard Hemp c.m.
681 Napaea laevis Smooth Napaea l.b. 682 ----- scabra Rough ditto c.m.
683 Veratrum album White Hellebore l.b.s. 684 -------- nigrum Dark-flowered Veratrum l.b.s.
* * * * *
These are cultivated by sowing their seeds, in the months of March or April, in the places where they are to remain and flower during the summer months.
English names. Latin names.
1 Alyssum sweet Alyssum halimifolium 2 Alkekengi Physalis Alkakengi 3 Arctotus annual Arctotus anthemoides 4 Argemone or Devil’s Fig Argemone mexicana 5 Asphodel annual Anthericum anuum 6 Aster China quilled 7 ----- red Aster chinensis 8 ----- white Aster chinensis 9 ----- purple Aster chinensis 10 —— superb Aster chinensis 11 —— Bonnet Aster chinensis 12 —— striped Aster chinensis 13 Balm Moldavian Dracocephalon moldavicum 14 —— white Dracocephalon moldavicum 15 —— hoary Dracocephalon moldavicum 16 Belvidera Chenopodium Scoparium 17 Bladder Ketmia Hibiscus trionum 18 Candytuft purple Iberis umbellata 19 --------- white Iberis umbellata 20 --------- Normandy Iberis umbellata 21 Caterpillar Scorpiurus vermiculata 22 Catchfly pendulous Silene pendula 23 -------- Lobel’s Armeria 24 Cyanus major Centaurea Crupina 25 ------ minor Centaurea Cyanus 26 Clary purple topped Salvia Hormium 27 ----- Red ditto Salvia Hormium 28 Chrysamthemum white-quill’d Chrysamthemum coronarium 29 ----------- yellow ditto Chrysamthemum tricolor 30 Hawkweed red Crepis rubra 31 -------- yellow Crepis barbata 32 Hedgehogs Medicago polymorpha, v. intertexta 33 Honeywort great Cerinthe major 34 --------- small Cerinthe minor 35 Indian Corn Zea mays 36 Jacobaea Senecio elegans