Galton, Mr., cited, 12, 96, 107, 294, 295
Garcilasso de la Vega, on Inca beliefs, 239-244
‘Gates of Distance, Opening the,’ 65, 66, 68
Ghost-seers, 54, 63
Ghost-soul, the, 51
names for the, 60
Gibert, Dr., on ‘willing’ sleep, 36
Gibier, Dr., cited, 146
Gippsland tribes, 187
Glanvil, Rev. Joseph, his scientific investigations, 15
God, evolution of the idea of, 160
anthropological hypothesis, 160
primitive logic of the savage, 161
regarded as a spirit, 162
idea of spiritual beings framed on the
human soul, 164
deified ancestors, 164
the Zulu first ancestor, 164
fetishes, 165
great gods in savage systems of religion,
the Lord of the Dead, 165
conception of an idealised divine First
Ancestor, 188
hostile Good and Bad Beings, 166
the Supreme Being of savage creeds, 166
mediating ‘Sons,’ 167
Christian and Islamite influence on savage
conceptions, 167
probable germs of the savage idea of a
Supreme Being, 168
animistic conceptions, 168
ghosts, and Beings who never were human,
recognition by savages of our God in theirs,
the hypothesis of degeneracy, 170
the moral, friendly creative Being of
low savage faith, 171
food offerings to a Universal Power, 171
the High Gods of low races, 173
intrusion of European ideas into savage
religions, 173
the Fuegian Big Man, 174
ghosts of dead medicine man, 175
the Bora, or Australian tribal mysteries,
176, 177, 179
possible evolution of the Australian god,
mythology and theology of Darumulun, the
highest Australian god, 178,
179, 183
religious sanction of morals, 179
selflessness the very essence of goodness,
precepts of Darumulan, 181, 182
argument from design, 184
Supreme Gods not necessarily developed
out of ‘spirits,’ 185
distinction between deities and ghosts,
human beings adored as gods, 186
deathlessness of the Supreme Being of
savage faith, 186, 188
idealisation of the savage himself, 187
negation of the ghost-theory, 188, 189
high creative gods never wore mortal men,
low savage distinction between gods, 189
propitiation by food and sacrifice, 190
‘magnified non-natural men,’
gods to talk about, not to adore, 190
higher gods prior to the ghost theory,
See Supreme Beings; American Creators;
Greeks, the, beliefs of, 302
Greenlanders, the, 144, 182
Gregory, Dr., cited, 86
Griesinger, Dr., cited, 132
Grinnell, Mr., on Pawnee beliefs, 234-237
Guiana Indians, religious beliefs of, 202-206, 256
Guinea, North and South, religious beliefs in, 220
Gurney, Mr., his experiments in hypnotism, 85, 86
cited, 107, 114, 117