Iola Leroy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Iola Leroy.

Iola Leroy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 283 pages of information about Iola Leroy.

“Now, John Salters,” exclaimed Aunt Linda, “ain’t you ’shamed ob yourself?  Allers tryin’ to poke fun at yer pore wife.  Never mine; wait till I’se gone, an’ you’ll miss me.”

“Ef I war single,” said Salters, “I could git a putty young gal, but it wouldn’t be so easy wid you.”

“Why not?” said Iola, smiling.

“‘Cause young men don’t want ole hens, an’ ole men want young pullets,” was Salter’s reply.

“Robby, honey,” said Aunt Linda, “when you gits a wife, don’t treat her like dat man treats me.”

“Oh, his head’s level,” answered Robert; “at least it was in the army.”

“Dat’s jis’ de way; you see dat, Miss Iola?  One man takin’ up for de oder.  But I’ll be eben wid you bof.  I must go now an’ git ready.”

Iola laughed.  The homely enjoyment of that evening was very welcome to her after the trying scenes through which she had passed.  Further conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the wagon, drawn by two fine mules.  John Salters stopped joking his wife to admire his mules.

“Jis’ look at dem,” he said.  “Ain’t dey beauties?  I bought ’em out ob my bounty-money.  Arter de war war ober I had a little money, an’ I war gwine ter rent a plantation on sheers an’ git out a good stan’ ob cotton.  Cotton war bringin’ orful high prices den, but Lindy said to me, ‘Now, John, you’se got a lot ob money, an’ you’d better salt it down.  I’d ruther lib on a little piece ob lan’ ob my own dan a big piece ob somebody else’s.  Well, I says to Lindy, I dun know nuthin’ ‘bout buyin’ lan’, an’ I’se ‘fraid arter I’se done buyed it an’ put all de marrer ob dese bones in it, dat somebody’s far-off cousin will come an’ say de title ain’t good, an’ I’ll lose it all.”

“You’re right thar, John,” said Uncle Daniel.  “White man’s so unsartain, black man’s nebber safe.”

“But somehow,” continued Salters, “Lindy warn’t satisfied wid rentin’, so I buyed a piece ob lan’, an’ I’se glad now I’se got it.  Lindy’s got a lot ob gumption; knows most as much as a man.  She ain’t got dat long head fer nuffin.  She’s got lots ob sense, but I don’t like to tell her so.”

“Why not?” asked Iola.  “Do you think it would make her feel too happy?”

“Well, it don’t do ter tell you women how much we thinks ob you.  It sets you up too much.  Ole Gundover’s overseer war my marster, an’ he used ter lib in dis bery house.  I’se fixed it up sence I’se got it.  Now I’se better off dan he is, ‘cause he tuck to drink, an’ all his frens is gone, an’ he’s in de pore-house.”

Just then Linda came to the door with her baskets.

“Now, Lindy, ain’t you ready yet?  Do hurry up.”

“Yes, I’se ready, but things wouldn’t go right ef you didn’t hurry me.”

“Well, put your chicken fixins an’ cake right in yere.  Captin, you’ll ride wid me, an’ de young lady an’ my ole woman’ll take de back seat.  Uncle Dan’el, dere’s room for you ef you’ll go.”

Project Gutenberg
Iola Leroy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.