The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.

The International Jewish Cook Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 533 pages of information about The International Jewish Cook Book.


Soak four tablespoons of tapioca overnight in one quart of sweet milk.  In the morning beat the yolks of three eggs with one cup of sugar.  Put the milk and tapioca on in a double boiler, adding a pinch of salt; when this comes to boiling point stir in the eggs and sugar.  Beat the whites to a stiff froth and stir quickly and delicately into the hot mixture.  Flavor with vanilla.  Eat cold.


To one pint of rich thick cream add one-quarter of a pound of powdered sugar and one-half teaspoon of vanilla.

Put in a large platter in a cool place and whip with a wire egg-whip until perfectly smooth and velvety.  Set on ice until wanted.  In the summer set the cream on ice before whipping.  A good plan is to set the bowl in another one filled with ice while whipping.


Line the edges of a mold or a large glass dish with lady fingers and fill up with whipped cream.  Ornament with macaroons and candied fruit.  Serve cold.


Cut up into small pieces different kinds of fruit; then chop up nuts and marshmallows (not too fine).  Mix these and sugar, not allowing it to draw too much juice.  Flavor with sherry, if you like.  Serve individually, putting whipped cream on the top with a cherry.


Fill a glass bowl with alternate layers of macaroons and lady fingers, sprinkle a layer of finely-chopped nuts over the cake, then a layer of crystallized cherries.

Boil one cup of wine, one cup of sugar and one-half cup of water together until syrupy and thick, pour it over the contents of the bowl, let this cool, then place a thick layer of thickly-whipped sweetened and flavored cream over all.  Serve very cold.


Take out the kernels of half a pound of pistachio nuts and pound them in a mortar with one tablespoon of brandy.  Put them in a double boiler with a pint of rich cream and add gradually the yolks of three eggs, well beaten.  Stir over the fire until it thickens and then pour carefully into a bowl, stirring as you do so and being careful not to crack the bowl. (Put a silver spoon into the bowl before pouring in the cream, as this will prevent it cracking).  When cold, stick pieces of the nuts over the cream and serve.


Cut stale sponge cake into thin slices, spread with jelly or preserves, put two pieces together like sandwiches and lay each slice or sandwich on the plate on which it is to be served.  Wet each piece with wine, pour or spread a tablespoon of rich custard over each piece of pudding, and then frost each piece with a frosting and put in a moderate oven for a few minutes.  Eat cold.

Project Gutenberg
The International Jewish Cook Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.