The Morgesons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 381 pages of information about The Morgesons.

The Morgesons eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 381 pages of information about The Morgesons.

I sat up in the bed, and pushed myself out by degrees, keeping my eyes on Miss Prior; but she did not stir.  I staggered when I got into the passage, but the cool air from some open window revived me, and I crept on, stopping at Alice’s door to listen.  I heard a child murmur in its sleep.  He could not be there.  The doors of all the chambers were locked, and I must go downstairs.  I went into the garden-room—­the door was open, the scent of roses came in and made me deadly sick; into the dining-room, and into the parlor—­he was there, lying on a table covered with a sheet.  Alice sat on the floor, her face hid in her hands, crying softly.  I touched her.  She started on seeing me.  “Go away, Cassy, for God’s sake!  How came you out of bed?”

“Hush!  Tell me!” And I went down on the floor beside her.  “Was he dead when they found us?”

She nodded.

“What was said?  Did you hear?”

“They said he must have made a violent effort to save you.  The side of the chaise was torn.  The horse kicked him after you were thrust out over the wheel.  Or did you creep out?”

I groaned.  “Why did he thrust me out?”


“Where is Aspen?”

She pointed to the stable.  “He had a fit.  Penn says he has had one before; but he thought him cured.  He stood quiet in the ditch after he had broken from the chaise.”

“Alice, did you love him?”

“My husband!”

A door near us opened, and Ben Somers and young Parker looked in.  They were the watchers.  Parker went back when he saw me; but Ben came in.  He knelt down by me, put his arm around me, and said, “Poor girl!” Alice raised her tear-stained face, looking at me curiously, when he said this.  She took hold of my streaming hair and pulled my head round.  “Did you love him?” Ben rose quickly and went to the window.

“Alice!” I whispered, “you may or you may not forgive me, but I was strangely bound to him.  And I must tell you that I hunger now for the kiss he never gave me.”

“I see.  Enough.  Go back to your room.  I must stay by him till all is over.”

“I can’t go back.  Ben!”

“What is it?”

“Take me upstairs.”

Raising me in his arms, he whispered:  “Leave him forever, body and soul.  I am not sorry he is dead.”  He called Charlotte on the way, and with her he put me to back to bed.  I asked him to let me see the dress they had taken off.

“That is enough,” I said, “Charles broke my arm.”

It was torn through the shoulder, and the skirt had been twisted like a rope.  Ben made no reply, but bent over me and kissed me tenderly.  All this time Miss Prior had slept the sleep of the just; but he had barely gone when she started up and said, “Did you call, my dear?”

“No, it is day.”

“So it is; but you must sleep more.”

I could not obey, and kept awake so long that Dr. White said he himself should go crazy unless I slept.

Project Gutenberg
The Morgesons from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.