The Nuttall Encyclopaedia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,685 pages of information about The Nuttall Encyclopaedia.

The Nuttall Encyclopaedia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,685 pages of information about The Nuttall Encyclopaedia.

LOCKE, JOHN, English philosopher, the father of modern materialism and empiricism, born in Wrington, Somerset; studied medicine, but did not practise it, and gave himself up to a literary life, much of it spent in the family of the celebrated Earl of Shaftesbury, both at home with it and abroad; his great work is his “Essay on the Human Understanding” in 1690, which was preceded by “Letters on Toleration,” published before the expulsion of James II., and followed by the “Treatise on Government” the same year, and “Thoughts on Education” in 1693; his “Essay” was written to show that all our ideas were derived from experience, that is, through the senses and reflection on what they reveal, and that there are no innate ideas; “Locke,” says Prof.  Saintsbury, “is eminently” (that is, before all his contemporaries) “of such stuff as dreams are not made of”—­is wholly a prosaic practical man and Englishman (1632-1704).

LOCKHART, JOHN GIBSON, man of letters, born in Cambusnethan; bred for the Scottish bar and practised at it; contributed to Blackwood, wrote in collaboration with John Wilson “Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk”; married Sophia Scott, Sir Walter’s daughter, in 1820, lived a good deal near Abbotsford, wrote some four novels and “Spanish Ballads,” became editor of the Quarterly in 1825, and began in 1837 his “Life of Scott,” a great work, and his greatest; died at Abbotsford, health broken and in much sorrow; his “Life” has been interestingly written by Andrew Lang (1794-1854).

LOCKOUT, the exclusion of workmen from a factory by the employer to bring them to terms which they decline to accept.

LOCKYER, SIR JOSEPH NORMAN, astronomer, born at Rugby; became clerk in the War Office in 1857, was secretary to the Royal Commission on Scientific Instruction in 1870, and was transferred to the Science and Art Department in 1875; he directed Government eclipse expeditions to Sicily, India, Egypt, and the West Indies; in 1860 he became F.R.S., received the Society’s Rumford medal in 1874, next year was appointed corresponding Member of the Institute of France and received the Janssen medal in 1891; he was knighted in 1897; he made important discoveries in spectrum analysis, and has written several astronomical works; b. 1836.

LOCO-FOCOS, the name, which denotes lucifer-matches, given to an ultra-democratic or radical party in the United States because at a meeting when on one occasion the lights were extinguished the matches which they carried were drawn and the lamps lit again.

LOCRI, a people of ancient Greece of two distinct tribes occupying different districts of the country.

LODI (18), a town in Lombardy, 18 m.  SE. of Milan, on the Adda, famous for a signal victory of Bonaparte over the Austrians in 1796 in the face of a tremendous fire.

LOEWE, GOTTFRIED, German composer; composed oratorios, operas, and pianoforte pieces; sang and played in London in 1847 (1796-1869).

Project Gutenberg
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.