The Nuttall Encyclopaedia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,685 pages of information about The Nuttall Encyclopaedia.

The Nuttall Encyclopaedia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 2,685 pages of information about The Nuttall Encyclopaedia.

ELSASS (French ALSACE), a German territory on the left bank of the Rhine, traversed by the Vosges Mountains; taken from the French in 1870-71.

ELSINORE, a seaport on the island of Zeeland, in Denmark, 20 m.  N. of Copenhagen; has a good harbour; the scene of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet.”

ELSWICK (53), a town in the vicinity of Newcastle, noted for the great engineering and ordnance works of Sir W. G. (now Lord) Armstrong.

ELTON, a salt lake of SE.  Russia, in the government of Astrakhan; has an area of about 65 sq. m., but is very shallow; yields annually some 90,000 or 95,000 tons of salt, which is shipped off via the Volga.

ELTON, CHARLES ISAAC, jurist and ethnologist, born in Somerset; held a Fellowship in Queen’s College, Oxford; called to the bar in 1865, and in 1884 was returned to Parliament as a Conservative; his first works were juridical treatises on the tenure of land, but in 1882 he produced a learned book on the origins of English history; b. 1839.

ELVAS, a strongly fortified town in Portugal, in the province of Alemtejo, 12 m.  W. of Badajoz; is a bishop’s see; has a Moorish aqueduct 31/2 m. long and 250 ft. high.

ELY (8), a celebrated cathedral city, in the fen-land of Cambridgeshire, on the Ouse, 30 m.  SE. of Peterborough; noted as the scene of Hereward’s heroic stand against William the Conqueror in 1071; the cathedral, founded in 1083, is unique as containing specimens of the various Gothic styles incorporated during the course of 400 years.

ELY, ISLE OF, a name given to the N. portion of Cambridgeshire on account of its having been at one time insulated by marshes; being included in the region of the Fens, has been drained, and is now fertile land.

ELYOT, SIR THOMAS, author and ambassador, born in Wiltshire; ambassador to the court of Charles V.; celebrated as the author of “The Governour,” the first English work on moral philosophy, and also of the first Latin-English dictionary (1490-1546).

ELYSIUM the abode of the shades of the virtuous dead in the nether world as conceived of by the poets of Greece and Rome, where the inhabitants live a life of passive blessedness, which, however, is to such a man as Achilles a place of woe rather and unrest, where he would fain exchange places with the meanest hind that breathes in the upper world.

ELZE, FREDERICK CARL, a German Shakespearian scholar, born at Dessau; early devoted himself to the study of English literature; lived some time in England and Scotland; in 1875 became professor of English Literature at Halle; his various publications on Shakespeare and the Elizabethan dramatists are full of excellent criticisms; also wrote Lives of Scott and Byron (1821-1889).

ELZEVIR, the name of an eminent family of printers residing in Amsterdam and Leyden, Louis the first of them, who started in Leyden; their publications date from 1594 to 1680.

Project Gutenberg
The Nuttall Encyclopaedia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.