Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories.

Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories.

And the Governor laughed and affixed the seal of state, and Yi Chin Ho departed.  For a month and a day he traveled the King’s Road which leads to the shore of the Eastern Sea; and there, one night, at the gate of the largest mansion of a wealthy city he knocked loudly for admittance.

“None other than the master of the house will I see,” said he fiercely to the frightened servants.  “I travel upon the King’s business.”

Straightway was he led to an inner room, where the master of the house was roused from his sleep and brought blinking before him.

“You are Pak Chung Chang, head man of this city,” said Yi Chin Ho in tones that were all-accusing.  “I am upon the King’s business.”

Pak Chung Chang trembled.  Well he knew the King’s business was ever a terrible business.  His knees smote together, and he near fell to the floor.

“The hour is late,” he quavered.  “Were it not well to——­”

“The King’s business never waits!” thundered Yi Chin Ho.  “Come apart with me, and swiftly.  I have an affair of moment to discuss with you.

“It is the King’s affair,” he added with even greater fierceness; so that Pak Chung Chang’s silver pipe dropped from his nerveless fingers and clattered on the floor.

“Know then,” said Yi Chin Ho, when they had gone apart, “that the King is troubled with an affliction, a very terrible affliction.  In that he failed to cure, the Court physician has had nothing else than his head chopped off.  From all the Eight Provinces have the physicians come to wait upon the King.  Wise consultation have they held, and they have decided that for a remedy for the King’s affliction nothing else is required than a nose, a certain kind of nose, a very peculiar certain kind of nose.

“Then by none other was I summoned than his excellency the prime minister himself.  He put a paper into my hand.  Upon this paper was the very peculiar kind of nose drawn by the physicians of the Eight Provinces, with the seal of state upon it.

“‘Go,’ said his excellency the prime minister.  ’Seek out this nose, for the King’s affliction is sore.  And wheresoever you find this nose upon the face of a man, strike it off forthright and bring it in all haste to the Court, for the King must be cured.  Go, and come not back until your search is rewarded.’

“And so I departed upon my quest,” said Yi Chin Ho.  “I have sought out the remotest corners of the kingdom; I have traveled the Eight Highways, searched the Eight Provinces, and sailed the seas of the Eight Coasts.  And here I am.”

With a great flourish he drew a paper from his girdle, unrolled it with many snappings and cracklings, and thrust it before the face of Pak Chung Chang.  Upon the paper was the picture of the nose.

Pak Chung Chang stared upon it with bulging eyes.

“Never have I beheld such a nose,” he began.

“There is a wart upon it,” said Yi Chin Ho.

Project Gutenberg
Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.