Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories.

Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories.

“Buy a cattle ranch in Arizona an’ set down an’ pay other men to ride range for me.  There’s some several I’d like to see askin’ a job from me, blast them!  An’ now you shut your face, Jim.  It’ll be some time before I buy that ranch.  Just now I’m goin’ to sleep.”

But Jim lay long awake, nervous and twitching, rolling about restlessly and rolling himself wide awake every time he dozed.  The diamonds still blazed under his eyelids, and the fire of them hurt.  Matt, in spite of his heavy nature, slept lightly, like a wild animal alert in its sleep; and Jim noticed, every time he moved, that his partner’s body moved sufficiently to show that it had received the impression and that it was trembling on the verge of awakening.  For that matter, Jim did not know whether or not, frequently, the other was awake.  Once, quietly, betokening complete consciousness, Matt said to him:  “Aw, go to sleep, Jim.  Don’t worry about them jools.  They’ll keep.”  And Jim had thought that at that particular moment Matt had been surely asleep.

In the late morning Matt was awake with Jim’s first movement, and thereafter he awoke and dozed with him until midday, when they got up together and began dressing.

“I’m goin’ out to get a paper an’ some bread,” Matt said.  “You boil the coffee.”

As Jim listened, unconsciously his gaze left Matt’s face and roved to the pillow, beneath which was the bundle wrapped in the bandana handkerchief.  On the instant Matt’s face became like a wild beast’s.

“Look here, Jim,” he snarled.  “You’ve got to play square.  If you do me dirt, I’ll fix you.  Understand?  I’d eat you, Jim.  You know that.  I’d bite right into your throat an’ eat you like that much beefsteak.”

His sunburned skin was black with the surge of blood in it, and his tobacco-stained teeth were exposed by the snarling lips.  Jim shivered and involuntarily cowered.  There was death in the man he looked at.  Only the night before that black-faced man had killed another with his hands, and it had not hurt his sleep.  And in his own heart Jim was aware of a sneaking guilt, of a train of thought that merited all that was threatened.

Matt passed out, leaving him still shivering.  Then a hatred twisted his own face, and he softly hurled savage threats at the door.  He remembered the jewels, and hastened to the bed, feeling under the pillow for the bandana bundle.  He crushed it with his fingers to make certain that it still contained the diamonds.  Assured that Matt had not carried them away, he looked toward the kerosene stove with a guilty start.  Then he hurriedly lighted it, filled the coffee pot at the sink, and put it over the flame.

The coffee was boiling when Matt returned, and while the latter cut the bread and put a slice of butter on the table, Jim poured out the coffee.  It was not until he sat down and had taken a few sips of the coffee, that Matt pulled out the morning paper from his pocket.

Project Gutenberg
Brown Wolf and Other Jack London Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.