Palmetto, bark Paren, river “Pavoskas,” travelling sleighs or sledges Penzhina, river Penzhina, village Penzhinsk Gulf Petropavlovsk Phillippeus, trip down the Anadyr; boat of Phosphorescence, of the sea Pierce, American in Petropavlovsk Pine, trailing or “Kedrovnik” Plans, at Gizhiga Plover “Podorozhnaya,” order for post-horses “Pologs,” skin bedrooms Pope, leader of Alaskan party Porte Crayon, sketches of, in Kamchatka Post-road to Irkutsk Povorotnoi, cape Price, telegraph operator, brought by Onward Primroses “Pripaika,” ice-foot Propashchina, River of the Lost “Protoks,” arms of stream Ptarmigan Puffin “Purgas,” blizzards Pushchin, village
Raft, Kamchatkan Raft travel Raselskoi, volcano Ravens Reception, Kamchatkan Reindeer catching; driving; food; guarding; habits; of Koraks; of Tunguses; stampede; superstition about sale of; uses Reindeer Koraks, see “Koraks, Wandering” Reindeer-sledge travel Religion, of Kamchadals; of Wandering Koraks Reveries, seasick River of the Lost Roads Robinson, member of Anadyr River party Roses, wild Route of line Routes from Kluchei Russell and Co. Russian-American Telegraph Co. organisation of failure of Russian Government Russian language
Sables, trapping; trade in skins Saghalin, Russian supply steamer St. Petersburg Sale, a bargain Salmon, catching and curing; failure of; frozen; dependence of Siberians upon Samanka Mountains Samanka River Sandford, Lieut., foreman of pole-cutting party “Sastrugi,” permanent drifts of snow Scammon, Captain, commander of Company’s fleet Scenery of Kamchatka Scenery, Siberian, in winter Schwartz Sea Breeze, whaling bark Sea life “Selanka,” Kamchatkan soup Send-off, a Siberian Shamanism “Shchi,” cabbage soup Shelashnikoff, Governor-General Sherom, village Shestakova, village Sidanka, village Smith, member of Anadyr River party Sparrow song Spring, in Gizhiga Squirrel skins Stanavoi Mountains Star-flower “Starosta,” head man of village Steeplechase, to Sidanka Stock, of Western Union Extension Co. Storm in Northern Pacific; on the Viliga River; on the Malkachan steppe; in Gizhiginsk Gulf Stovepipe, search for; finding of “Struganini,” frozen fish Sugar, used instead of money Sulkavoi, captain of port of Petropavlovsk Sutton, captain of bark Clara Bell Suveilich, volcano Swallows Swans Sword-bearer
“Taiyon,” Korak chief
“Tarantas,” Siberian travelling
Tea, used instead of money
“Tea caravans,”
Telega, four-wheeled Siberian wagon
Tents, of Koraks, life in
“Teteer,” Russian grouse
Tide, a race with
Tigil, village
Time, expedients to pass away
Tobacco, used instead of money
Tobezin, captain of steamer, Saghalin
Topolofka, river
“Topor,” Russian axe
“Torbasses,” fur boots
Trances, in Anadyrsk sickness
Trailing-pine. See “Pine”
Transportation, means of, in Kamchatka
Tundras, mossy plains
Turkish type of natives