he thought fit to place certain forts in good order,
which he had begun to erect for the security of the
colony, and to keep the natives under subjection.
Besides the fort of St Thomas, already mentioned, for
protecting the mines of Cibao, there were the fort
of St Mary Magdalen, called likewise the lower Macorix,
situated in the district belonging to Guanozonel,
one of the caciques in the Royal Plain, three or four
leagues from where the town of Santiago now
stands, the command of which fort was confided to
Lewis de Arriaga. Another fort, named Santa
Catalina, or St Catherine, was placed under the
command of Ferdinand Navarro, a native of Logronno.
Another fort on the banks of the Yaqui, towards
Ciboa, was named Esperanza, or the Hope.
Another, in the district of the cacique Guarionex,
in the Royal Plain, was called the Conception,
which was commanded by Juan de Ayala, who was afterwards
succeeded by Michael Ballester. The caciques,
who were much burdened by the gold tax, informed the
admiral that there were good gold mines to the southward,
and advised him to send a party of Christians to explore
them. Being much interested in this matter, as
conducive to support his reputation at court, for
which this served very opportunely on his approaching
return to Spain, the admiral sent a party under Francis
de Garay, and Michael Diaz, with some guides furnished
by the Indians, to examine into the truth of this
report. From the town of Isabella, this party
went by the forts of Magdalen and the Conception, quite
across the royal plain, and thence through a pass
in the mountains, two leagues long, after which they
came in view of a plain belonging to a cacique named
Bonao. Having travelled several leagues
along the ridges of the mountains in this district,
they came to a considerable river called Hayra,
the banks of which are very fertile. In this place
they were informed that much gold was to be found
in all the brooks and rivulets, which they found to
be the case. Likewise, by digging in several places,
gold was found in such plenty, that a single labourer
was able to get to the value of three pieces of eight
every day. These new mines are now known by the
name of the mines of St Christopher, from a fort of
that name which the admiral left orders to build for
their protection; but they were afterwards called
the old mines. About this time, some inhabitants
of Seville were soliciting permission from the court
of Spain to fit out expeditions for new discoveries.
[1] Herrera is exceedingly inaccurate in his measures,
as the real direct
distance is only 55 Spanish
Conclusion of the Discoveries of Columbus.