[5] This sentence is quite inexplicable, and is assuredly
translated. It is possible
the original meant, that Columbus was
misled by the opinion of Paul,
to disregard the indications of the
Indians; and instead of sailing
directly west, which would have led
him to the coast of Mexico,
induced him to coast eastwards along Cuba,
which brought him to Hispaniola,
always searching for Cipango or
[6] The author seems here not clear or well informed,
as Haiti was the
real Indian name of the island
now called Hispaniola or St Domingo.—E.
[7] In the original, the current is said to have made
“so loud a noise
that it might have been heard
a league off.” This circumstance is
quite inconsistent with the
careless security of the whole crew; as it
must necessarily have indicated
their approach to rocks or shoals; and
is therefore omitted in the
From the arrival of Columbus at Lisbon, till the commencement of his second voyage to the New World.
The king of Portugal happened then to be at Valparayso, to which place the admiral sent a letter informing the king of his arrival, and that he had orders from their Catholic majesties to put into any of the Portuguese harbours in case of need, that he might procure what he was in want of, and requested permission to wait upon the king, to satisfy him that he had not come from Guinea, but from the Indies. At this time a galeon well stored with cannon, lay guard in the Tagus, commanded by Alvaro Daman, who sent his master Bartholomew Diaz de Lisboa in an armed boat to the admiral, desiring him to come on board the galeon and give an account of himself to the kings officers. Columbus answered that he was admiral to their Catholic majesties, and accountable to no man, and would not quit his ship unless compelled by superior force. Diaz then desired him to send his master; but this he likewise refused, saying that were as bad as going himself, and that Spanish admirals were not wont to put themselves or their men into the hands of others. On this Diaz requested to see his commission, and having seen it he returned to give an account to his captain of what had passed. Alvaro Daman, the Portuguese captain, went to wait upon the admiral in his boat, accompanied by kettle drums, trumpets, and hautbois, and courteously offered him every assistance in his power. When it was known in Lisbon that the admiral had come from discovering the Indies, great numbers flocked on board to see him, and the Indians he had brought from the new discovered countries, and all were filled with amazement.