In one place of his own writings he says that he had been at sea during twenty-three years, without being on shore for any length of time; and had seen all the countries of the east and west, and towards the north, particularly England and Guinea; yet had never seen any harbours that could be compared for goodness with those which he had discovered in the West Indies. He says farther, “I went first to sea at fourteen years of age, and have followed that profession ever since.” In his note book of his second voyage he says, “I had two ships, one of which I left at Porto Sancto, for a certain reason, where it continued one day; and on the day following, I rejoined it at Lisbon[5]; because I encountered a storm, and had contrary winds at south-west, and the other ship had contrary winds at south-east.” From these instances it may be inferred that he had great experience in sea affairs, and that he had visited many countries and places, before he undertook his great discovery.
[1] This must be understood as referring to voyages
in the Mediterranean,
in respect of the port of
[2] Supposing Columbus to have been 14 years of age
on first going to sea,
it may be concluded that he
was born in 1447. He must therefore have
been 45 years old when he
set out in 1492 for the discovery of America;
and 59 years old at his death,
in 1506.—E.
[3] Or rather Cape Carthago, on the coast of Barbary near Tunis.—E.
[4] It is highly probable that the original translator
may have here
mistaken the braccio of 1.913
English feet, for the fathom of 6 feet.
In fathoms, this tide rises
to the incredible height of 156 feet;
whereas in braccios,
it amounts only to 49 feet: And besides there
are braccios considerably
shorter than the one here assumed.—E.
[5] There is some inexplicable ambiguity in this passage,
which the
original translator must have
misunderstood, and which cannot now be
[Illustration: Chart of North Western Africa]
Of his first coming to Portugal, and the cause or motives of his proposing to discover the West Indies.