chiefly owing to the innate stupidity and gross ignorance of the poor
anchorite, that the present editor was much inclined to have expunged
the whole as unsatisfactory and uninteresting: But it seemed incumbent
to give the whole of this most important voyage to the public. The
Editor however, has used the freedom to compress the scrambling detail
of the original of this section into a smaller compass; to omit the
uselessly prolix titles of its subdivisions; and, where possible, to
make the intended meaning somewhat intelligible; always carefully
retaining every material circumstance. It was formerly divided into
chapters like a regular treatise, and these are here marked by
corresponding figures. The author repeatedly acknowledges that his
account is very imperfect, which he attributes to the confused and
contradictory reports of the natives, and allows that he may even have
set down the information he collected in wrong order, and may have
omitted many circumstances for want of paper at the time of collecting
[2] Some of these are so unintelligibly related, owing
to ignorance in the
translator, that it were unnecessary
to insert them in this place.—E.
[3] The poor anchorite relates all these absurdities
gravely, as actually
proceeding from sorcery.—E.
[4] In this paragraph, marked 20—24. the
substance of five prolix
chapters by F. Roman
is compressed.—E.
[5] Though not expressed in the text, these were probably
the manico root,
of which the cassada bread
is made.—E
[6] It is singular that the author should not have
endeavoured to account
for the origin of these iron
hatchets; probably procured in the
plundering excursions of these
Carib natives of Guadaloupe from
[7] This surely means no more than that their rude
looms were upright or
[8] The probable use of these swaths may have been
to defend the legs in
forcing their way through
the thorny brakes of the forests.—E.
[9] The author seems to have forgotten that he had
only a little before
mentioned this very woman
as the wife of a caceque. The absurd notion
of these women being Amazons
probably proceeded from the Spaniards not
understanding the language
of these islanders, who appear to have been
Caribs. The truth seems
to have been that during the long absences of
their husbands in piratical
and plundering excursions to the other
islands, these Carib women
were driven to the necessity of providing
for their own defence.—E.