From sea, and may that omen him pursue!’
Her fainting hand let fall the sword besmear’d
With blood, and then the mortal wound appear’d; 230
Through all the court the fright and clamours rise,
Which the whole city fills with fears and cries,
As loud as if her Carthage, or old Tyre
The foe had enter’d, and had set on fire.
Amazed Anne with speed ascends the stairs,
And in her arms her dying sister rears;
’Did you for this yourself and me beguile?
For such an end did I erect this pile?
Did you so much despise me, in this fate
Myself with you not to associate? 240
Yourself and me, alas! this fatal wound,
The senate, and the people, doth confound.
I’ll wash her wound with tears, and at her death,
My lips from hers shall draw her parting breath.’
Then with her vest the wound she wipes and dries;
Thrice with her arm the Queen attempts to rise,
But her strength failing, falls into a swound,
Life’s last efforts yet striving with her wound;
Thrice on her bed she turns, with wand’ring sight
Seeking, she groans when she beholds the light. 250
Then Juno, pitying her disastrous fate,
Sends Iris down, her pangs to mitigate.
(Since if we fall before th’appointed day,
Nature and death continue long their fray.)
Iris descends; ‘This fatal lock’ (says she)
‘To Pluto I bequeath, and set thee free;’
Then clips her hair: cold numbness strait bereaves
Her corpse of sense, and th’air her soul receives.
[1] ‘Cyllenius’—’God of thieves’: Mercury.
[The following two pieces are translated from the Latin of Mancini, an Italian, contemporary with Petrarch.]
Wisdom’s first progress is to take a view
What’s decent or indecent, false or true.
He’s truly prudent who can separate
Honest from vile, and still adhere to that;
Their difference to measure, and to reach
Reason well rectified must Nature teach.
And these high scrutinies are subjects fit
For man’s all-searching and inquiring wit;
That search of knowledge did from Adam flow;
Who wants it yet abhors his wants to show.
Wisdom of what herself approves makes choice,
Nor is led captive by the common voice.
Clear-sighted Reason Wisdom’s judgment leads,
And Sense, her vassal, in her footsteps treads.
That thou to Truth the perfect way may’st know,
To thee all her specific forms I’ll show:
He that the way to honesty will learn,
First what’s to be avoided must discern.
Thyself from flatt’ring self-conceit defend,
Nor what thou dost not know to know pretend.
Some secrets deep in abstruse darkness lie:
To search them thou wilt need a piercing eye.