Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

   Friedell, Egon, A Culture History of the Modern World, N.Y.: 
   Knopf, 1930.

   Friedjung, Heinrich, Das Zeitalter des Imperialismus, Berlin: 
   Neufeld und Henius, 1914. 3 vols.

   Georg, Eugen, The Adventure of Mankind, N.Y.:  Dutton, 1931.

   Glotz, Gustav, Aegean Civilization, N.Y.:  Knopf, 1925.

   Goddard, Edward H. and Gibbons, P.A., Civilization or Civilizations,
   London:  Constable, 1926.

   Gollwitzer, Heinz, Europe in the Age of Imperialism, N.Y.: 
   Harcourt, Brace, 1969.

   Goshal, Kumar, People in Colonies, N.Y.:  Sheridan House, 1948.

   Grigg, Edward W.M., The Greatest Experiment in History,
   New Haven:  Yale University Press, 1924.

   Guizot, F.P., Histoire de la Civilisation en Europe, N.Y.:  Appleton,

   Gupta, N.K., The March of Civilization, Pondicherry:  Sri Aurobindo
   Ashram, 1959.

   Haas, William, What Is Civilization, London:  Oxford University
   Press, 1929.

   Hankins, Frank H., The Racial Basis of Civilization, N.Y.:  Knopf,

   Harris, George, Civilization Considered as a Science, London: 
   Bell and Daldy, 1872.

   Heard, Gerald, The Source of Civilization, London:  Cape, 1935.

   Hertzler, G.O., The Social Thought of the Ancient Civilizations,
   N.Y.:  McGraw Hill, 1938.

   Hubbard, Arthur J., The Fate of Empires, London:  Longmans,

   Innes, Harold B., Empire and Communication, Oxford:  Clarendon,

   Louis, Paul, Ancient Rome at Work, N.Y.:  Knopf, 1927.

   Lowie, Robert H., Are We Civilized? N.Y.:  Harcourt Brace,

   Lubbock, John, The Origin of Civilization, London:  Longmans,

   McCabe, Joseph, The Evolution of Civilization, London:  Watts,

   Majewski, Erasme de, La Theorie de l’Homme et de la Civilisation,
   Paris:  Le Soudier, 1911.

------, La Science de la Civilisation, Paris:  Alcan, 1908.

   Maritain, Jacques, Twilight of Civilization, N.Y.:  Sheed and
   Ward, 1943.

   Marshak, Alexander, The Roots of Civilization, N.Y.:  McGraw
   Hill, 1972.

   Marvin, F.S. ed., The Unity of Western Civilization, London: 
   Oxford University Press, 1929.

   Means, Philip A., Ancient Civilizations of the Andes, N.Y.: 
   Scribners, 1931.

   Moraze, Charles, Essai sur la Civilisation d’Occident, Paris: 
   Colin, 1950.

   Moret, A. and Davy, G., From Tribe to Empire, N.Y.:  Knopf,

   Morgan, L.H., Ancient Society, N.Y.:  Holt, 1907.

Project Gutenberg
Civilization and Beyond from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.