Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

Civilization and Beyond eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 282 pages of information about Civilization and Beyond.

Textual material for the History of Mankind was prepared and edited by hundreds of experts in the widely ranging fields covered by the History.  Final approval of the text came from the Commission.  In cases where there were differences of opinion or of interpretation, varying and opposing points of view are presented.

The History of Mankind is in six volumes.

I. Prehistory and The Beginnings of Civilization.

II.  The Ancient World.

III.  The World A.D. 400 to A.D. 1300.

IV.  The World A.D. 1300 to the End of the Eighteenth Century.

V. The World in the Nineteenth Century.

VI.  The Twentieth Century.  All but the first volume of the History deal with the epoch during which civilization has played a fateful role in world affairs.

Professor Arnold J. Toynbee’s ten volume Study of History is concerned chiefly with the rise and decline of those civilizations which have left a noteworthy historical record.  His emphasis is geographical and political rather than cultural and social.  The same thing may be said of other histories of civilization.  They stress personalities, nations and empires.

There are few books which approach the study of civilization as a stage or level of human culture.  Among them are: 

   Abbott, Wilbur C, The Expansion of Europe, N.Y.:  Holt, 1918.
   2 vols.

   Adams, Brooks, The Law of Civilization and Decay, N.Y.:  Knopf,

   Adams, Brooks, The New Empire, N.Y.:  MacMillian, 1902.

   Adams, George B., Civilization During the Middle Ages, N.Y.: 
   Scribners, 1914.

   Albanes, Ricardo C, La Civilizacion y el Communismo Marxista,
   Habana:  Cultural S.A., 1937.

   Ashley, Percy W., Europe from Waterloo to Sarajero, N.Y.: 
   Knopf, 1926.

   Baikie, James, The Life of the Ancient East, N.Y.:  MacMillan,

   Ballester Escalas, Rafael, Historia de la Civilizaciones,
   Barcelona:  Gasso, 1961.

   Balmes, Jaime Luciano, La Civilizacion, Barcelona:  Lopez Lansas,

   Barnes, Harry E., A Social History of the Western World, N.Y.: 
   Appleton, 1921.

   ——­, A Survey of Western Civilization, N.Y.:  Crowall, 1947.

   Bell, Clive, Civilization, an Essay, London:  Chatto and Windus,

   Blackmar, Frank W., History of Human Society, N.Y.:  Scribners,

   Bornet-Perrier, Paul, L’Unite Humaine, Paris:  Alcan, 1931.

   Bose, Pramatha, Epochs of Civilization, Calcutta:  Newman, 1913.

   Breasted, James H., A History of Egypt, London:  Hodder and
   Stoughten, 1921.

   Brier, Royce, Western World, Garden City:  Doubleday, 1946.

Project Gutenberg
Civilization and Beyond from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.