Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 426 pages of information about Christ.

Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 426 pages of information about Christ.

4.  How rare is it to see any soul broken in heart, and humbled because of this; who is walking under this as under a load; whose soul is bleeding under the consideration of this!  Is there any mourning for this?

5.  Where is that to be heard, “Men and brethren, what shall we do to be saved?” How shall we enter into the right way?  Where is that good old way, that we may walk in it?  Few such questions and cases troubling consciences; and no wonder, for a deep sleep is upon them.

6.  How cometh it then, that the pointing forth of the way is so little hearkened unto?  Sure were this natural condition perceived, a report of the sure and safe way would be much more welcome than it is:  Christ by his messengers would not be put to cry so often in vain, “This is the way, turn in hither.”

Here is enough to convince of this ignorance and insensibleness; but it is his Spirit, which “convinceth the world of sin,” John xvi. that must bear home this conviction.

Secondly, It pointeth out to us this, that “the way of man is not in himself,” Jer. x. 23, that is, that nothing, he can do can or will prove a way to him to the Father:  For Christ is the Way, as excluding all other means and ways.  And that man can do nothing to help himself into the way, is clear; for,

1.  “His way is darkness,” Prov. iv. 14.  He knoweth no better, he is satisfied therewith; there he sleepeth and resteth.

2.  He cannot nor doth not desire to return.  He hateth to be reformed.

3.  Yea, he thinketh himself safe; no man can convince him of the contrary:  The way he is in “seemeth right to him, though the end thereof be death;” Prov. xiv. 12, and xvi. 25.

4.  Every man hath his own particular way to which he turneth, Isaiah liii, 6; some one thing or other that he is pleased with, and that he thinks will abundantly carry him through, and there resteth he; and what these ordinarily are, we shall hear presently.

5.  In this his way, which yet is a false way, “he trusteth,” Hosea x. 13, he leaneth upon it, little knowing that it will fail him at length, and that he and his hope and confidence shall perish.

Is it not strange then to see men and women “gading about to seek their way,” as it is said, Jer. ii. 36. as if they could find it out; or as if they could of themselves fall upon the way.  What a lamentable sight is it, to see people “wearying themselves with very lies,” Ezek. xxiv. 12; “and wearied in the multitude of their own counsels,” Isaiah xlvii. 15.

But what are those false and lying ways which men weary themselves in, and all in vain; and which they chuse and trust unto, and yet are not the way which will prove safe and sure?

Ans. It will not be easy to reckon them all up, we shall name some that are principal and most ordinary; such as,

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Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.