The Mechanical Properties of Wood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mechanical Properties of Wood.

The Mechanical Properties of Wood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mechanical Properties of Wood.

——­:  Timber and timber trees, native and foreign. (2d ed. revised and enlarged by H. Marshall Ward.) London and New York, 1894.

LEA, W.:  Tables of strength and deflection of timber.  London, 1861.

LEDEBUR, A.:  Die Verarbeitung des Holzes auf mechanischem Wege. 1881.

LORENZ, N. VON:  Analytische Untersuchung des Begriffes der Holzhaerte.  Centralblatt f. d. ges.  Forstwesen, Wien, 1909, pp. 348-387.

LUDWIG, PAUL:  Die Regelprobe.  Ein neues Verfahren zur
Haertebestimmung von Materialien.  Berlin. 1908.

MACFARLAND, H.B.:  Tests of longleaf pine bridge timbers.  Bul. 149, Am.  Ry.  Eng.  Assn., Sept., 1912.  See also Eng.  News, Dec. 12, 1912, p. 1035.

McKAY, DONALD:  On the weight and strength of American ship-timber.  Jour.  Franklin Inst., Vol.  XXXIX (3d series), 1860, p. 322.

MALETTE, J.:  Essais des bois de construction.  Revue Technique, Apr. 25, 1905.

MANN, JAMES:  Australian timber:  its strength, durability, and identification.  Melbourne, 1900.

MARTIN, CLARENCE A.:  Tests on the relation between cross-bending and direct compressive strength in timber.  Railroad Gazette, Mch. 13, 1903.

Methods of testing metals and alloys ...  Recommended by the Fourth Congress of the International Association for Testing Materials, held at Brussels, Sept. 3-6, 1906.  London, 1907, pp. 54.  Methods of testing wood, pp. 39-49.

MIKOLASCHEK, CARL:  Untersuchungen ueber die Elasticitaet und Festigkeit der wichtigsten Bau- und Nutzhoelzer.  Mitt. a. d. forstl.  Versuchswesen Oesterreiches, II.  Bd., 1.  Hft., Wien, 1879.

MOELLER, JOSEPH:  Die Rohstoffe des Tischler- und
Drechslergewerbes.  I. Theil:  Das Holz.  Kassel, 1883, pp. 68-122.

MOLESWORTH, G.L.:  Graphic diagrams of strength of teak beams. 
Roorke, 1881.

MORGAN, J.J.:  Bending strength of yellow pine timber.  Eng. 
Record, Vol.  LXVII, 1913, pp. 608-609.

MOROTO, K.:  Untersuchungen ueber die Biegungselasticitaet und -Festigkeit der japanischen Bauhoelzer.  Centralblatt f. d. ges.  Forstwesen, Wien, 1908, pp. 346-355.

NORDLINGER, H.:  Die technischen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer fuer
Forst- und Baubeamte, Technologen und Gewerbetreibende. 
Stuttgart, 1860.

——­:  Druckfestigkeit des Holzes. 1882.

——­:  Die gewerblichen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer.  Stuttgart, 1890.

NORTH, A.T.:  The grading of timber on the strength basis.  Address before Western Society of Engineers.  Lumber World Review, May 25, 1914, pp. 27-29.

NORTON, W.A.:  Results of experiments on the set of bars of wood, iron, and steel, after a transverse stress.  Van Nostrand’s Eng.  Mag., Vol.  XVII, 1877, pp. 531-535.

PACCINOTTI E PERI:  [Investigations into the elasticity of timbers.] Il Cimento, Vol.  LVIII, 1845.

PALACIO, E.:  Tensile tests of timber.  La Ingenieria, Buenos Aires, May 31, 1903, et seq.

Project Gutenberg
The Mechanical Properties of Wood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.