The Mechanical Properties of Wood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mechanical Properties of Wood.

The Mechanical Properties of Wood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 160 pages of information about The Mechanical Properties of Wood.

JANKA, GABRIEL:  Die Einwirkung von Suess- und Salzwaessern auf die gewerblichen Eigenschaften der Hauptholzarten.  I. Teil.  Untersuchungen u.  Ergebnisse in mechanisch-technischer Hinsicht.  Mitt. a. d. forst.  Versuchswesen Oesterreichs, 33.  Hft., Wien, 1907.

——­:  Results of trials with timber carried out at the Austrian forestry testing-station at Mariabrunn.  Proc.  Int.  Assn.  Test.  Mat., 1906, Disc. 2 e, pp. 7.

——­:  Ueber die an der k. k. forstlichen Versuchsanstalt Mariabrunnen gewonnenen Resultate der Holzfestigkeitspruefungen.  Zeitschrift d.  Oesterr.  Ing. u.  Arch.  Ver., Wien, Aug. 9, 1907.

——­:  Ueber Holzhaerteprufueng.  Centralblatt f. d. ges.  Forstwesen, Wien, 1908, pp. 443-456.

——­:  Testing the hardness of wood by means of the ball test.  Proc.  Int.  Assn.  Test.  Mat., 1912, XXIII_{3}.

JENNY, K.:  Untersuchungen ueber die Festigkeit der Hoelzer aus den Laendern der ungarischen Krone.  Budapest, 1873.

JOHNSON, J.B.:  Time tests of timber in endwise compression.  Paper before Section D, Am.  Assn. for Adv. of Sci., Aug., 1898.

JOHNSON, WALTER B.:  Experiments on the adhesion of iron spikes of various forms when driven into different species of timbers.  Jour.  Franklin Inst., Vol.  XIX (n.s.), 1837, pp. 281-292.

JULIUS, G.A.:  Western Australia timber tests, 1906.  The physical characteristics of the hardwoods of Western Australia.  Perth, 1906, pp. 36.

——­:  Supplement to the Western Australia timber tests, 1906.  The hardwoods of Australia.  Perth, 1907, pp. 6.

KARMARSH, CARL:  Handbuch der mechanischen Technologie.  I. Aufl., 1837; V. Aufl., 1875; verm. von H. Fisher, 1888.

KIDDER, F.E.:  Experiments on the transverse strength of southern and white pine.  Van Nostrand’s Eng.  Mag., Vol.  XXII, 1880, pp. 166-168.

——­:  Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. Ibid., Vol.  XXIV, 1881, pp. 473-477.

——­:  Experiments on the fatigue of small spruce beams.  Jour.  Franklin Inst., Vol.  CXIV, 1882, pp. 261-279.

KIDWELL, EDGAR:  The efficiency of built-up wooden beams.  Trans.  Am.  Inst.  Min.  Eng., Feb., June, 1898.

KIRKALDY, WM. G.:  Illustrations of David Kirkaldy’s system of mechanical testing.  London, 1891.

KUMMER, FREDERICK A.:  The effects of preservative treatment on the strength of timber.  Proc.  Am.  Soc.  Test.  Mat., Vol.  IV, 1904, pp. 434-438.

LABORDERE, P., and ANSTETT, F.:  Contribution to the study of means for improving the strength of wood for pavements.  Proc.  Int.  Assn.  Test.  Mat., 1912, XXIII_{4}, pp. 12.

LANZA, GAETANO:  An account of certain tests on the transverse strength and stiffness of large spruce beams.  Trans.  Am.  Soc.  Mech.  Eng., Vol.  IV, 1882, pp. 119-135.  See also Jour.  Franklin Inst., Vol.  XCV, 1883, pp. 81-94.

LASLETT, T.:  Properties and characteristics of timber.  Chatham, 1867.

Project Gutenberg
The Mechanical Properties of Wood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.