The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697).

The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 161 pages of information about The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697).

“John Barlow eaged 24 years or thairabout saieth and sd testifieth that soumtime this last year that as I was in bedd in the hous that Mead Jesuop then liuied in that Marsey Desbory came to me and layed hold on my fett and pinshed them (and) looked wishley in my feass and I strouff to rise and cold not and too speek and cold not.  All the time that she was with me it was light as day as it semed to me—­but when shee uanicht it was darck and I arose and hade a paine in my feet and leags some time after an our or too it remained.  Sometime before this aforesd Marcey and I had a falling out and shee sayed that if shee had but strength shee would teer me in peses.”

“Sworn in court Septr 19, 92.  Attests John Allyn.”

BENJAMIN DUNING—­"Cast into ye watter”—­Vindication of innocence—­Mercy not to be hanged alone

“A Speciall Cort held in Fairfield this 2d of June 1692.

“Marcy Disbrow ye wife of Thomas Disbrow of Fairfield was sometimes lately accused by Catren Branch servant to Daniell Wescoat off tormenting her whereupon sd Mercy being sent for to Stanford and ther examined upon suspecion of witchcraft before athaurity and fro thnce conueyed to ye county jaile and sd Mercy ernestly desireing to be tryed by being cast into ye watter yesterday wch was done this day being examind what speciall reason she had to be so desiring of such a triall her answer was yt it was to vindicate her innocency allso she sd Mercy being asked if she did not say since she was duckt yt if she was hanged shee would not be hanged alone her answer was yt she did say to Benje Duning do you think yt I would be such a fooll as to be hanged allone.  Sd Benj.  Duning aged aboue sixteen years testifies yt he heard sd Mercy say yesterday that if she was hanged she would not be hanged allone wch was sd upon her being urged to bring out others that wear suspected for wiches.”

“Sept 15 1692 Sworn in Court by Benj.  Duning attest John Allyn Secy

“Joseph Stirg aged about 38 declares that he wth Benj.  Duning being at prison discoursing with the prisoner now at the bar he heard her say if she were hanged she would not be hanged alone.  He tould her she implicitly owned herself a witch.”

“Sworn in Court Sept. 15, atests John Allyn, Secry.”

THOMAS HALLIBERCH—­A poor creature “damd”—­Torment—­A lost soul—­Divination

“Thomas Halliberch ye jayle keeper aged 41 testifieth and saith yt this morning ye date aboue Samull Smith junr. came to his house and sad somthing to his wife somthing concerning Mercy and his wifes answer was Oh poor creature upon yt Mercy mad answer & sd poor creature indeed & sd shee had been tormented all night.  Sd Halliberch answered her yt it was ye devill her answer was she did beleue it was and allso yt she sed to it in ye name of ye Father Son and Holy Gost also sd Halliberch saith yt sd Mercy sd that her soul was damd for yesterdays worke.  Mercy owned before this court yt she did say to sd Halliberch that it was reuealled to her yt shee wisht she had not damd her soule for yesterdays work and also sad before this cort she belieued that there was a deuination in all her trouble.”

Project Gutenberg
The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut (1647-1697) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.