Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

Propagation—­is by dividing the roots, or by suckers, which is best performed at the close of the rains.

Soil, &c. A sandy peat is the favorite soil of this plant, which should be kept very moist.

The DAHLIA, Dahlia; a few years since an attempt was made to rename this beautiful and extensive family and to call it Georgina, but it failed, and it is still better known throughout the world by its old name than the new.  It was long supposed that the Dahlia was only found indigenous in Mexico, but Captain Kirke some few years back brought to the notice of the Horticultural Society, that it was to be met with in great abundance in Dheyra Dhoon, producing many varieties both single and double; and he has from time to time sent down quantities of seed, which have greatly assisted its increase in all parts of India.  It has also been found in Nagpore.

A good Dahlia is judged of by its form, size, and color.  In respect to the first of these its form should be perfectly round, without any inequalities of projecting points of the petals, or being notched, or irregular.  These should also be so far revolute that the side view should exhibit a perfect semicircle in its outline, and the eye or prolific disc, in the centre should be entirely concealed.  There has been recently introduced into this country a new variety, all the petals of which are quilled, which has a very handsome appearance.

In size although of small estimation if the other qualities are defective, it is yet of some consideration, but the larger flowers are apt to be wanting in that perfect hemispherical form that is so much admired.

The color is of great importance to the perfection of the flower; of those that are of one color this should be clear, unbroken, and distinct; but when mixed hues are sought, each color should be clearly and distinctly defined without any mingling of shades, or running into each other.  Further, the flowers ought to be erect so as to exhibit the blossom in the fullest manner to the view.  The most usual colors of the imported double Dahlias, met with in India, are crimson, scarlet, orange, purple, and white.  Amongst those raised from seed from.  Dheyra Dhoon[137] of the double kind, there are of single colors, crimson, deep crimson approaching to maroon, deep lilac, pale lilac, violet, pink, light purple, canary color, yellow, red, and white; and of mixed colors, white and pink, red and yellow, and orange and white:  the single ones of good star shaped flowers and even petals being of crimson, puce, lilac, pale lilac, white, and orange.  Those from Nagpore seed have yielded, double flowers of deep crimson, lilac, and pale purple, amongst single colors; lilac and blue, and red and yellow of mixed shades; and single flowered, crimson, and orange, with mixed colors of lilac and yellow, and lilac and white.

Project Gutenberg
Flowers and Flower-Gardens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.