Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

MA’LATI (Echites Caryophyllata.)—­The flower of a creeper which is commonly used in native gardens.  It has a slight smell and is of a white colour.

MA’DHAVI (Gaertnera Racemosa.)—­The flower of another creeper which is also to be seen in native gardens.  It is likewise of a white colour.

NA’GESWARA (Mesua Ferrua.)—­A white flower with yellow filaments, which are said to possess medicinal properties and are used by the native physicians.  It has a very sweet smell and is supposed by Indian poets to form one of the darts of Kama Deva.  See Sir William Jones’s Hymn to that deity.

PADMA (Nelumbium Speciosum.)—­The Indian lotus, which is held to be sacred to Vishnu, Brama, Mahadava, Durga, Lakshami and Saraswati as well as all the higher orders of Indian deities.  It is a very elegant flower and is highly esteemed by the natives, in consequence of which the Indian poets frequently allude to it in their writings.

PA’RIJATA (Buchanania Latifolia.)—­A handsome white flower, with a slight smell.  In native poetry, it furnishes a simile for pretty eyes, and is held to be sacred to Vishnu.

PAREGATA (Erythrina Fulgens.)—­A flower which is supposed to bloom in the garden of Indra in heaven, and forms the subject of an interesting episode in the Puranas, in which the two wives of Krisna, (Rukmini and Satyabhama) are said to have quarrelled for the exclusive possession of this flower, which their husband had stolen from the celestial garden referred to.  It is supposed to be identical with the flower of the Palta madar.

RAJANI GANDHA (Polianthus Tuberosa.)—­A white tulip-shaped flower which blooms at night, from which circumstance it is called “the Rajani Gandha, (or night-fragrance giver).”  It is the Indian tuberose.

RANGANA.—­A small and very pretty red flower which is used by native females in ornamenting their betels.

SEONTI. Rosa Glandulefera.  A white flower resembling the rose in size and appearance.  It has a sweet smell.

SEPHA’LIKA (Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis.)—­A very pretty and delicate flower which blooms at night, and drops down shortly after.  It has a sweet smell and is held to be sacred to Shiva.  The juice of the leaves of the Sephalika tree are used in curing both remittant and intermittent fevers.

SURYJA MUKHI (Helianthus Annuus).—­A large and very handsome yellow flower, which is said to turn itself to the Sun, as he goes from East to West, whence it has derived its name.

SURYJA MANI (Hibiscus Phoeniceus).—­A small red flower.

GOLAKA CHAMPA.—­A large beautiful white tulip-shaped flower having a sweet smell.  It is externally white but internally orange-colored.

TAGUR (Tabernoemontana Coronaria).—­A white flower having a slight smell.

TARU LATA.—­A beautiful creeper with small red flowers.  It is used in native gardens for making hedges.

Project Gutenberg
Flowers and Flower-Gardens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.