Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

Flowers and Flower-Gardens eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about Flowers and Flower-Gardens.

JUYIN (Jasminum Auriculatum).—­The Indian Jasmine.  It is a very small white flower remarkable for its sweetness.  It is also used in making a species of uttar which is highly prized by the natives, as also in forming a great variety of imitation female ornaments.

KADAMBA (Nauclea Cadamba).—­A ball shaped yellow flower held to be particularly sacred to Krishna, many of whose gambols with the milkmaids of Brindabun are said to have been performed under the Kadamba tree, which is in consequence very frequently alluded to in the vernacular poems relating to his loves with those celebrated beauties.

KINSUKA (Butea Frondosa).—­A handsome but scentless white flower.

KANAKA CHAMPA (Pterospermum Acerifolium).—­A yellowish flower which hangs down in form of a tassel.  It has a strong smell, which is perceived at a great distance when it is on the tree, but the moment it is plucked off, it begins to lose its fragrance.

KANCHANA (Bauhinia Variegata).—­There are several varieties of this flower.  Some are white, some are purple, while others are red.  It gives a handsome appearance to the tree when the latter is in full blossom.

KUNDA (Jasminum pulescens).—­A very pretty white flower.  Indian poets frequently compare a set of handsome teeth, to this flower.  It is held to be especially sacred to Vishnu.

KARABIRA (Nerium Odosum).—­There are two species of this flower, viz. the white and red, both of which are sacred to Shiva.

KAMINI (Murraya Exotica).—­A pretty small white flower having a strong smell.  It blooms at night and is very delicate to the touch.  The kamini tree is frequently used as a garden hedge.

KRISHNA CHURA (Poinciana Pulcherrima).—­A pretty small flower, which, as its name imports resembles the head ornament of Krishna.  When the Krishna Chura tree is in full blossom, it has a very handsome appearance.

KRISHNA KELI (Mirabilis Jalapa.)[105]—­A small tulip shaped yellow flower.  The bulb of the plant has medicinal properties and is used by the natives as a poultice.

KUMADA (Nymphaea Esculenta)—­A white flower, resembling the lotus, but blooming at night, whence the Indian poets suppose that it is in love with Chandra or the Moon, as the lotus is imagined by them to be in love with the Sun.

LAVANGA LATA’ (Limonia Scandens.)—­A very small red flower growing upon a creeper, which has been celebrated by Jaya Deva in his famous work called the Gita Govinda.  This creeper is used in native gardens for bowers.

MALLIKA’ (Jasminum Zambac.)—­A white flower resembling the Bela.  It has a very sweet smell and is used by native females to make ornaments.  It is frequently alluded to by Indian poets.

MUCHAKUNDA (Pterospermum Suberifolia).—­A strongly scented flower, which grows in clusters and is of a brown colour.

Project Gutenberg
Flowers and Flower-Gardens from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.