The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 44, June, 1861 Creator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 44, June, 1861 Creator.

The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 44, June, 1861 Creator eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 44, June, 1861 Creator.

When this type in Greek Art was brought to bear on the interpretation of natural forms into architectural language, we shall curiously discover that the creative pride of the artist and his reverence for the integrity of his Ideal were so great, that he not only subjected these forms to a rigid subservience to the abstract line till Nature was nearly lost in Art, but the immediate adoption of these forms under any circumstances was limited to some three or four of the most ordinary vegetable productions of Greece and to one sea-shell.  This wise reserve and self-restraint, among the boundless riches of a delicious climate and a soil teeming with fertility, present to us the best proof of the fastidious purity of artistic intentions.  Nature poured out at the feet of the Greek artist a most plenteous offering, and the lap of Flora overflowed for him with tempting garlands of Beauty; but he did not gather these up with any greedy and indiscriminate hand, he did not intoxicate himself at the harvest of the vineyard.  Full of the divinity of high purpose, and intent upon the nobler aim of creating a pure work of Art, he considered serenely what were his needs for decoration, took lovingly a few of the most ordinary forms, and, studying the creative sentiment of them, breathed a new and immortal life into them, and tenderly and hesitatingly applied them to the work of illustrating his grand Ideal.  These leaves and flowers were selected not for their own sake, though he felt them to be beautiful, but for the decorative motive they suggested, the humanity there was in them, and the harmony they had with the emergencies of his design.  The design was not bent to accommodate them, but they were translated and lifted up into the sphere of Art.

A drawing of the Ionic capitals of the temple of Minerva Polias in the Erechtheum is accessible to nearly everybody.  It is well to turn to it and see what use the Greeks, under such impulses, made of the Wild Honeysuckle and of Sea-Shells.  Perhaps this capital affords one of the most instructive epitomes of Greek Art, inasmuch as in its composition use is made of so much that Nature gave, and those gifts are so tenderly modelled and wrought into such exquisite harmony and eloquent repose.  Examine the volute:  this is the nearest approach to a mathematical result that can be found in Grecian architecture; yet this very approximation is one of the greatest triumphs of Art.  No geometrical rule has been discovered which can exactly produce the spirals of the Erechtheum, nor can they be found in shells.  In avoiding the exuberance of the latter and the rigid formalism of the former, a work of human thought and Love has been evolved.  Follow one of these volutes with your eye from its centre outwards, taking all its congeries of lines into companionship; you find your sympathies at once strangely engaged.  There is an intoxication in the gradual and melodious expansion of these curves.  They seem to be full of destiny, bearing you along,

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The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 44, June, 1861 Creator from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.