Your hands are full of blood.
Wash you, make you clean;
Put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes:
Cease to do evil; learn to do well:
Seek judgment, relieve the oppressed,
Judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.[45]
Micah voices the questions that men raised in his day, answering them with the new thought:
Wherewithal shall I come before
the Lord,
And bow myself before the
high God?
Shall I come before him with
burnt offerings,
With calves of a year old?
Will the Lord be pleased with
thousands of rams,
Or with ten thousands of rivers
of oil?
Shall I give my first born
for my transgression,
The fruit of my body for the
sin of my soul?
He hath showed thee, O man,
what is good,
And what doth the Lord require
of thee,
But to do justly, and to love
And to walk humbly with thy
Two features of the work of the prophets bring out clearly their ethical inspiration. Israel was at this period being drawn, for the first time, into the currents created by the strife of the mammoth empires of Assyria and Egypt, in whose maelstrom she at length went down. Public affairs were becoming matters of international relationship. The prophets threw themselves heartily into the national politics, standing between the party of Assyria and the party of Egypt, as independents concerned with the interests of neither faction, but seeking to lift both sides above the shifting sands of policy upon the firm ground of principle. They sought to lead the nation to turn aside from its dazzling dream of a brilliant foreign policy to the humbler tasks of internal reform; to induce the State to busy itself with the labor of redressing civic disorders and of building a community of sober, pure, and just citizens, cultivating peace and equity with other peoples, and fearing God. They were preachers to the corporate conscience of Israel, and dealt with subjects which the modern pulpit effeminately shuns. In strains of pure and passionate patriotism, they delighted to vision before the people the ideal State and its ideal King; thus to lead the aspirations of the nation to a higher ambition than martial prowess and diplomatic craft.
The spirit of the Lord shall
rest upon him,
The spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The spirit of counsel and
The spirit of knowledge and
of the fear of the Lord,
And shall make him of quick
understanding in the fear of the Lord:
And he shall not judge after
the sight of his eyes,
Neither reprove after the
hearing of his ears:
But with righteousness shall
he judge the poor,
And reprove with equity for
the meek of the earth.
And he shall smite the earth
with the rod of his mouth,
And with the breath of his
lips shall he slay the wicked.
And righteousness shall be
the girdle of his loins,
And faithfulness the girdle
of his reins.[47]