Glacial period, 365.
Gmelin on distribution, 365.
Gnathodon, fossil, 368.
Godwin-Austen, Mr., on the Malay Archipelago, 299.
Goethe on compensation of growth, 147.
Gooseberry, grafts of, 262.
Gould, Dr. A., on land-shells, 397.
Gould, Mr.: on colours of birds, 132. on birds of the Galapagos, 398. on distribution of genera of birds, 404.
Gourds, crossed, 270.
Grafts, capacity of, 261.
Grasses, varieties of, 113.
Gray, Dr. Asa: on trees of United States, 100. on naturalised plants in the United States, 115. on rarity of intermediate varieties, 176. on Alpine plants, 365.
Gray, Dr. J. E., on striped mule, 165.
Grebe, 185.
Groups, aberrant, 429.
Grouse: colours of, 84. red, a doubtful species, 49.
Growth: compensation of, 147. correlation of, in domestic products, 11. correlation of, 143.
Habit: effect of, under domestication, 11. effect of, under nature, 134. diversified, of same species, 183.
Hair and teeth, correlated, 144.
Harcourt, Mr. E. V., on the birds of Madeira, 391.
Hartung, M., on boulders in the Azores, 363.
Hazel-nuts, 359.
Hearne on habits of bears, 184.
Heath, changes in vegetation, 72,
Heer, O., on plants of Madeira, 107.
Helix pomatia, 397.
Helosciadium, 359.
Hemionus, striped, 163.
Herbert, W. : on struggle for existence, 62. on sterility of hybrids, 249.
Hermaphrodites crossing, 96.
Heron eating seed, 387.
Heron, Sir R., on peacocks, 89.
Heusinger on white animals not poisoned by certain plants, 12.
Hewitt, Mr., on sterility of first crosses. 264.
Himalaya: glaciers of, 373. plants of, 375.
Hippeastrum, 250.
Holly-trees, sexes of, 93.
Hollyhock, varieties of, crossed, 271.
Hooker, Dr., on trees of New Zealand, 100.
Hooker, Dr. : on acclimatisation of Himalayan trees, 140. on flowers of umbelliferae, 145. on glaciers of Himalaya, 373. on algae of New Zealand, 376. on vegetation at the base of the Himalaya, 378. on plants of Tierra del Fuego, 374, 378. on Australian plants, 375, 399. on relations of flora of South America, 379. on flora of the Antarctic lands, 381, 399. on the plants of the Galapagos, 391, 398.
Hooks: on bamboos, 197. to seeds on islands, 392.
Horner, Mr., on the antiquity of Egyptians, 18.
Horns, rudimentary, 454.
Horse, fossil, in La Plata, 318.
Horses: destroyed by flies in La Plata, 72. striped, 163. proportions of, when young, 445.
Horticulturists, selection applied by, 32.
Huber on cells of bees, 230.
Huber, P.: on reason blended with instinct, 208. on habitual nature of instincts, 208. on slave making ants, 219. on Melipona domestica, 225.