On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 532 pages of information about On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.

Bronn on duration of specific forms, 293.

Brown, Robert, on classification, 414.

Buckman on variation in plants, 10.

Buzareingues on sterility of varieties, 270.

Cabbage, varieties of, crossed, 99.

Calceolaria, 251.

Canary-birds, sterility of hybrids, 252.

Cape de Verde islands, 398.

Cape of Good Hope, plants of, 110, 375.

Carrier-pigeons killed by hawks, 362.

Cassini on flowers of compositae, 145.

Catasetum, 424.

Cats:  with blue eyes, deaf, 12. variation in habits of, 91. curling tail when going to spring, 201.

Cattle:  destroying fir-trees, 71. destroyed by flies in La Plata, 72. breeds of, locally extinct, 111. fertility of Indian and European breeds, 254.

Cave, inhabitants of, blind, 137.

Centres of creation, 352.

Cephalopodae, development of, 442.

Cervulus, 253.

Cetacea, teeth and hair, 144.

Ceylon, plants of, 375.

Chalk formation, 322.

Characters:  divergence of, 111. sexual, variable, 156. adaptive or analogical, 427.

Charlock, 76,

Checks:  to increase, 67. mutual, 71.

Chickens, instinctive tameness of, 216.

Chthamalinae, 288.

Chthamalus, cretacean species of, 304.

Circumstances favourable:  to selection of domestic products, 40. to natural selection, 101.

Cirripedes:  capable of crossing, 101. carapace aborted, 148. their ovigerous frena, 192. fossil, 304. larvae of, 440.

Classification, 413.

Clift, Mr., on the succession of types, 339.

Climate:  effects of, in checking increase of beings, 68. adaptation of, to organisms, 139.

Cobites, intestine of, 190.

Cockroach, 76.

Collections, palaeontological, poor, 287.

Colour:  influenced by climate, 132. in relation to attacks by flies, 198.

Columba livia, parent of domestic pigeons, 23.

Colymbetes, 386.

Compensation of growth, 147.

Compositae:  outer and inner florets of, 144. male flowers of, 451.

Conclusion, general, 480.

Conditions, slight changes in, favourable to fertility, 267.

Coot, 185.

Coral:  islands, seeds drifted to, 360. reefs, indicating movements of earth, 309.

Corn-crake, 185.

Correlation:  of growth in domestic productions, 11. of growth, 143, 198.

Cowslip, 49.

Creation, single centres of, 352.

Crinum, 250.

Crosses, reciprocal, 258.

Crossing:  of domestic animals, importance in altering breeds, 20. advantages of, 96. unfavourable to selection, 102.

Crustacea of New Zealand, 376.

Crustacean, blind, 137.

Cryptocerus, 238.

Ctenomys, blind, 137.

Project Gutenberg
On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection, or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.