The Maid-At-Arms eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about The Maid-At-Arms.

The Maid-At-Arms eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about The Maid-At-Arms.

He laid the scalp back very carefully.  Under the mass of hair a bit of paper stuck out, and I drew it from the dreadful packet.  It was a sealed letter directed to General St. Leger, and I opened and read the contents aloud in the midst of a terrible silence.

     August 17, 1777

     “General Barry St. Leger

Sir,—­I send you under care of Daniel Redstock the first packet of scalps, cured, dried, hooped, and painted; four dozen in all, at twenty dollars a dozen, which will be eighty dollars.  This you will please pay to Daniel Redstock, as I need money for tobacco and rum for the men and the Senecas who are with me.

     “Return invoice with payment acquitted by the bearer, who
     will know where to find me.  Below I have prepared a true
     invoice.  Your very humble servant,

     “F.  MCCRAW.


(6) Six scalps of farmers, green hoops to show they were killed
    in their fields; a large white circle for the sun, showing
    it was day; black bullet mark on three; hatchet on two.

(2) Two of settlers, surprised and killed in their houses or barns;
    hoops red; white circle for the sun; a little red foot to show
    they died fighting.  Both marked with bullet symbol.

(4) Four of settlers.  Two marked by little yellow flames to show
    how they died. (My Senecas have had no prisoners for
    burning since August third.) One a rebel clergyman, his
    band tied to the scalp-hoop, and a little red foot under a red
    cross painted on the skin. (He killed two of my men before
    we got him.) One, a poor scalp, the hair gray and
    thin; the hoop painted brown. (An old man whom we
    found in bed in a rebel house.)

(12) Twelve of militia soldiers; stretched on black hoops four inches
    in diameter, inside skin painted red; a black circle showing
    they were outposts surprised at night; hatchet as usual.

(12) Twelve of women; one unbraided—­a very fine scalp (bought
    of a Wyandot from Burgoyne’s army), which I paid full
    price for; nine braided, hoops blue, red tear-marks; two
    very gray; black hoops, plain brown color inside; death-maul
    marked in red.

(6) Six of boys’ scalps; small green hoops; red tears; symbols
    in black of castete, knife, and bullet.

(5) Five of girls’ scalps; small yellow hoops.  Marked with the
    Seneca symbol to whom they were delivered before scalping.

(l) One box of birch-bark containing an infant’s scalp; very little
    hair, but well dried and cured. (I must ask full price
    for this.)

48 scalps assorted, @ 20 dollars a dozen..............80 dollars.

“Received payment, F. McCRAW.”

The ghastly face of the prisoner turned livid, and he shrieked as Mount caught him by the collar and dragged him to his feet.

Project Gutenberg
The Maid-At-Arms from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.