Illustrated History of Furniture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Illustrated History of Furniture.

Illustrated History of Furniture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 273 pages of information about Illustrated History of Furniture.

There is, of course, in very many cases an individuality gained by the “omnium gatherum” of such a mode of furnishing.  The cabinet which reminds its owner of a tour in Italy, the quaint stool from Tangier, and the embroidered piano cover from Spain, are to those who travel, pleasant souvenirs; as are also the presents from friends (when they have taste and judgment), the screens and flower-stands, and the photographs, which are reminiscences of the forms and faces separated from us by distance or death.  The test of the whole question of such an arrangement of furniture in our living rooms, is the amount of judgment and discretion displayed.  Two favorable examples of the present fashion, representing the interior of the Saloon and Drawing Room at Sandringham House, are here reproduced.

[Illustration:  The Saloon at Sandringham House. (From a Photo by Bedford Lemere & Co., by permission of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales).]

[Illustration:  The Drawing Room at Sandringham House. (From a Photo by Bedford Lemere & Co., by permission of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales).]

There is at the present time an ambition on the part of many well-to-do persons to imitate the effect produced in houses of old families where, for generations, valuable and memorable articles of decorative furniture have been accumulated, just as pictures, plate and china have been preserved; and failing the inheritance of such household gods, it is the practice to acquire, or as the modern term goes, “to collect,” old furniture of different styles and periods, until the room becomes incongruous and overcrowded, an evidence of the wealth, rather than of the taste, of the owner.  As it frequently happens that such collections are made very hastily, and in the brief intervals of a busy commercial or political life, the selections are not the best or most suitable; and where so much is required in a short space of time, it becomes impossible to devote a sufficient sum of money to procure a really valuable specimen of the kind desired; in its place an effective and low priced reproduction of an old pattern (with all the faults inseparable from such conditions) is added to the conglomeration of articles requiring attention, and taking up space.  The limited accommodation of houses built on ground which is too valuable to allow spacious halls and large apartments, makes this want of discretion and judgment the more objectionable.  There can be no doubt that want of care and restraint in the selection of furniture, by the purchasing public, affects its character, both as to design and workmanship.

These are some of the faults in the modern style of furnishing, which have been pointed out by recent writers and lecturers on the subject.  In “Hints on Household Taste,” [23] Mr. Eastlake has scolded us severely for running after novelties and fashions, instead of cultivating suitability and simplicity, in the selection and ordering of our furniture; and he has contrasted descriptions and drawings of well designed and constructed pieces of furniture of the Jacobean period with those of this century’s productions.  Col.  Robert Edis, in “Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses,” has published designs which are both simple and economical, with regard to space and money, while suitable to the specified purpose of the furniture or “fitment.”

Project Gutenberg
Illustrated History of Furniture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.