Pub. Price Our Price
.75 Word & Works, with almanac .............. m Sci. .60
1.50 World’s Crisis, Boston (n. 1.35) ............... 1.45
.50 Wool Market and Sheep .......................... .40
1.50 Work, N.Y. ..................................... 1.25
1.00 World Wide, Montreal ........................... .70
1.00 World’s Events, Dansville ...................... .60
World’s Events in Offer No. 3:
with Normal Instructor or Cosmopolitan ....... 1.25
with Primary Education (new) or Leslies ...... 1.25
with Pop Educator, American Boy or Success ... 1.25
with Am. Education or Am. Boy ................ 1.25
with Primary Plans or Sunset ................. l.25
with any two of above ........................ 1.75
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
2.50 World’s Fair Bulletin, St. Louis ............. m 2.10
1.00 World’s Review, Buffalo ................. w News .75
1.00 World To-day, Chicago (F.P. 1.00) ....... m Lit. 1.00
World Today:
with Leslies or Cosmopolitan ................. 1.60
with Am. Education or Pearsons ............... 1.60
with Popular Educator or Sunset (new) ........ 1.60
with any two of above ........................ 2.10
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
8.00 World’s Work, N.Y. (F.P. 96) ............ m Lit. 3.00
World’s Work in class B:
with Success and Pearson’s ................... 3.00
with Etude or School Review .................. 3.25
with Art Interchange and Success ............. 4.00
with Country Life ............................ 4.50
with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
1.00 World Wide, Montreal ......................... w .70
1.00 Writer, Boston For literary workers .......... m .90
.50 Young Americans, N.Y. .................. m Youth .50
Young Americans:
with Am. Boy or Little Folks (new.) .......... 1.25
with Success or Am. Education ................ 1.25
with Leslies or Am. Primary Teacher .......... 1.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
1.00 Young Catholic Magazine, N.Y. .............. s-m .65
1.00 Young Folks’ Musical Monthly ............ m Mus. .75
.50 Young Idea, Boston Club of 10.3.15. ..... m Juv. .40
4 00 Young Ladies’ Jour. (reprint) N.Y. ..... m Fash. 3.65
3.75 Young Ladies’ Journal, London .......... m Fash. 3.25
.75 Young Peoples Weekly, Elgin .................. w .75
1.00 Youth, Philadelphia ............................ .75
Youth in class A:
with Am. Boy or Success ...................... 1.50
with Popular Educator or Leslies (new) ....... 1.50
with Am. Prim. Teacher or Cosmopolitan ....... 1.50
with Am. Education or 20th Century Home ...... .50
with any two of above ........................ 2.00
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.