1.00 Sunday School Times, Phila. ............. w Evan. 1.60
Add McClure’s or Everybody’s to any club at $1.00.
1.00 Sunset Magazine, San Francisco ......... m Trav. .75
Sunset Magazine in class A:
with Successor Good Housekeeping ............ 1.50
with Cosmopolitan or Pop. Educator (n) ...... 1.50
with Primary Plans or Pearsons .............. 1.50
with Leslies or Primary Plan ................ 1.50
with any two of above or in class A ......... 2.00
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
.50 Sunny South, Atlanta. ................... w Lit. .50
.50 Swine Breeders’ Jour ................. s-m Agri. .45
5.00 Syracuse Journal (w. 1.00-.95) ..... 6 iss. Rep. 4.20
2.00 System, Chicago .............................. m 2.00
System in class A:
with Cosmopolitan or Leslies ................. 2.00
with World’s Work or Review of Reviews........ 3.25
with Country Life ............................ 4.00
with North American Review.................... 5.00
with Book-keeper and Pearson ................. 2.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
Add McClure’s or Everybody’s to any club at $1.00.
1.00 Table Talk, Philadelphia ................ m Cul. .85 1.00 Talent, Phila. ............................... m .75 1.50 Tales from Town Topics (new 1.25) ............ q 1.40 1.00 Teacher’s College Record, ................. bi-m .90 .25 Teacher’s Gazette, Milford ................... m .20 1.00 Teacher’s Journal, Marion ...................... .70 1.00 Teachers’ Institute. N.Y. ......... 10 nos. Edu. .95
FOR HARPER’S MAGAZINE SEND ME ONLY $3.35 the great leading magazine of the world (price $4.00) or add $3.35 to any combination in this catalogue.
Pub. Price Our Price 2.00 Technical World .............................. m 2.00 Technical World in class A: with Success or Pearson ...................... 1.50 with Leslie’s or 20th Century Home ........... 1.50 with American Inventor or Am. Boy ............ 1.50 with Book-keeper or Ladies’ World ............ 1.25 with Sunset or Good Housekeeping ............. 1.50 with any two of the above .................... 2.00 with any three of the above .................. 2.50 with Review of Reviews and Success ........... 3.00 with Booklover and Leslies ................... 3.25 1.00 Telephone Magazine, Chi. (F.P. .50) .......... m .80 1.00 Telephony, Chicago (new .85) ................. m 1.00 1.00 Ten Story Book, Chi. .................... m Lit. .75 1.00 Texas Farm and Ranch, Dallas ........... w Agri. .85 1.00 Texas Farmer, Dallas ......................... w .50 1.00 Texas School Journal, San Antonia ....... m Edu. .85 1.00 Texas Stock and Farm Jour., Dallas ...... w L.S. .75 2.00 Textile World Record, Boston ................. m 1.70 5.00 Textile Colorist, Phil. (F.P. .60) ..... m. Sci. 4.50