Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
9.00 San Diego Union (w. 1.50-1.30) (n. 8.25) .......................... 7 iss.  Rep. 9.00 6.80 San Fran.  Bulletin (Sun. 2.00-1.45) 7 iss.  Ind. 5.25 8.00 San Francisco Call (w 1.00-.80) .... 7 iss.  Ind. 6.75 No discount on Call west of Rocky Mountains. 8.00 San Fran.  Chronicle (w. 1.50-.1.25) 7 iss.  Ind. 6.75 No discount on above in Cal., Ore or Wash. 8.00 San Fran.  Examiner (w. 1.50-1.25) .. 7 iss.  Ind. 6.75 4.00 San Francisco News Letter ............... w Ind. 8.25 5.00 San Francisco Post (w. 1.00-.85) . 6 issues Ind. 4.25 1.00 Saturday Blade, Chicago ................. w Lit. .85 2.00 Saturday Evening Post ................... w Lit. 2.00

       regular price of this magazine is $2.00 a year.  We are
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[Graphic of pointing hand] TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS ONLY A COMMISSION OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ALLOWED FROM MY SPECIAL PRICE OF $1.25 PER YEAR with the stipulation that the first order for this magazine forwarded by an agent must contain at least TWO subscriptions for it for which the subscribers have paid my special subscription price.  A single subscription will be accepted only at $1.25 unless previous orders for it have been received this season.  Must not be taken in club with other publications, at cut rates, nor given as a premium.  Subscriptions so taken will be rejected, or subsequently “killed.”  COMMISSION ALSO ALLOWED TO NEWSDEALERS AND POSTMASTERS.
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2.00  Saturday Night, Toronto, Can. ........... w Lit.   1.50
6.00  Savannah (Ga.) News (w. 1.00-.90) .. 6 iss.  Lit.   5.60
2.00  School, N.Y. ............................ w Edu.   1.75
1.00  School Arts Book, Worcester ............ 10 nos.    .85
School Arts Book in Offer No. 4
with Success or Good Housekeeping ............   1.75
with Popular Educator (new) or Leslies .......   1.75
with Primary Plans or Pearsons ...............   1.75
with Am.  Prim.  Teacher or Cosmopolitan .......   1.75
with Primary Education (new) or Sunset .......   1.75
with any two of above ........................   2.25

Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.