Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.

Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 110 pages of information about Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals.
with Little Journeys for 1905 ................ 2.00 with Little Journeys (1905) and any one in class A .................................... 2.50 with any one in class A ...................... 1.50 3.00 Philosophical Review, New York ...... bi-m Phil. 2.85 1.00 Photo-American, N.Y. (F.P. 36) ......... m Phot. .85 $500 given in prizes each year. (adv.) 1.00 Phonographic Magazine .......................... .85 1.00 Photo-Beacon, Chicago (F.P. .36) ........ m Art. .85 2.50 Photo Era, Boston ....................... m Art. 2.25 2.50 Photo Miniature, N.Y. ........................ m 2.50 1.00 Photographic Times, Bulletin, N.Y. ...... m Sci. .85 1.00 Phrenological Jour.  N.Y. ................ m Hyg. .90 1.00 Physical Culture, N.Y. ....................... m 1.00 Physical Culture in class A with Beauty and Health ....................... 1.25 with Harper’s Bazar or Leslie’s .............. 1.50 with Cosmopolitan or Good Housekeeping ....... 1.50 with Pearson or Success ...................... 1.50 with American Boy or Sunset .................. 1.50 with any two above or in class A ............. 2.00 5.00 Physical Review, N.Y. ........................ m 4.25 1.00 Pictorial Review, N.Y. (F.P. .50) ............ m .75 1.00 Picture and Art Trade, Chicago .......... m Com. .65 1.00 Pickings from Puck ........................... q .90 1.00 Pilgrim, Battle Creek (F.  P. .60) ............ m .75 3.00 Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph ..... 6 iss.  Ind. 3.00 1.00 Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette.............w Rep. .90 3.00 Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette .......6 iss.  Rep. 3.00 6.00 Pittsburgh Dispatch (w 1.00-90)..... 6 iss.  Ind. 5.00 2.50 Pittsburgh Dispatch ................  Sunday Ind. 2.15 6.00 Pittsburg Leader ................. 6 issues Ind. 5.20 2.50 Pittsburg Leader .....................  Sun.  Ind. 2.15 1.00 Pittsburgh Post (Sun. 2.50-2.20) ........ w Dem. .90 3.00 Pittsburgh Post .................. 6 issues Dem. 3.00 3.00 Pittsburg Time ........................ 6 issues 2.25 1.50 Plant World, Washington, D.C. ........... m Set. 1.25 .50 Pluck, Chicago .......................... m Juv. .40 1.00 Plumbers Trade Journal, N.Y. .......... s-m Com. .90 3.00 Poet Lore, Boston (F.P. .24) ............ q Lit. 2.75 4.00 Police Gazette, N.Y. ......................... w 3.50 2.00 Police News, Boston .................... w Sport 1.75 3.00 Political Science Quarterly, Boston ..... q Sci. 2.60 2.50 Popular Astronomy, Northfield, Minn. ........ m 2.40 1.00 Popular Educator, Boston ................ m Edu. .95 Popular Educator (new) in class A with Primary Education (new) ................. 1.50 with Am.  Education or Leslie’s ............... 1.50 with Am.  Prim.  Teacher or Pearson ............ 1.50 with Primary Plans or Pearson ................ 1.50 with any two above or in class A ............. 2.00 with Journal of Geography .................... 1.75
Project Gutenberg
Wholesale Price List of Newspapers and Periodicals from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.