Pub. Price Our Price
1.00 Good Health, Battle Creek ............... m Hyg. .75
Good Health in class A:
with Harper’s Bazar .......................... 1.50
with Physical Culture and Pearsons ........... 2.00
with Ladies’ World ........................... 1.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
1.00 Good Housekeeping, Springfield .......... m Dom. 1.00
Good Housekeeping in class A:
with Success or any one in class A ........... 1.50
with Pearsons and Success .................... 2.00
with Success and Rev. of Reviews ............. 3.00
with Woman’s Home Companion .................. 1.60
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
.35 Good Literature, N.Y. (F.P. .24) ............. m .30
1.00 Good Roads, N.Y. ............................... .90
.15 Good Stories, Augusta ........................ m .15
1.50 Gospel Advocate, Nashville ............ w Chris. 1.35
1.50 Gospel Messenger, Mt. Morris, Ill. ...... w Bap. 1.35
1.00 Grand Army Advocate, Des Moines ............ b-w .65
1.50 Granite Monthly, Concord, N.H. .......... m Lit. 1.25
.50 Gray Goose, Deposit, N.Y. ...................... .40
4.00 Green Bag, Boston. ............................. 8.75
.50 Green’s Fruit Grower, Rochester ........ m Hort. .35
2.00 Grocery World .................................. 2.00
1.00 Guide to Holiness, N.Y. ...................... m .80
2.00 Gunton’s Magazine, N.Y. ............... m Econ. 1.85
3.00 Haberdasher, N.Y. (n. 2.50) ............. m Com. 3.00
2.50 Happy Days, N.Y. (F.P. .52) ............. w Juv. 2.10
.15 Happy Hours, Augusta .................... m Lit. .15
1.00 Hardware, N.Y. (n. .75) ............... s-m Com. 1.00
1.00 Hardware Dealers Magazine, N.Y. .............. m .95
1.00 Harper’s Bazar, N.Y. (F.P. .72) ........ m Fash. .90
Harper’s Bazar in Class A:
with Leslies and House Beautiful ............. 2.00
with Harper’s Magazine or Weekly ............. 4.25
with Cosmopolitan and Pearsons ............... 2.00
with any one in Class A ...................... 1.50
with Scribners and Leslies ................... 4.35
with Century ................................. 4.50
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
To agents only who can send us two or more
subscriptions for the Bazar we allow a special
commission. Write us about it.
4.00 Harper’s Magazine, (F.P. .96) ........... m Lit. 3.35
4.00 Harper’s Weekly, (F.P. 1.56) ............ w Lit. 3.85
Harper’s Monthly or Weekly:
with Leslies or one in class A ............... 4.25
with Success and any one in class A .......... 4.75
with Century ................................. 7.00
with Outlook (new) ........................... 6.00
with Country Life ............................ 6.25
with North American Review (n.) .............. 7.00
with any one in class B or C ................. 5.50