3 00 Christian W’rk, N.Y. (To Clergy 2 20) .. w Evan. 2 85
1 50 Christian W’rld, Dayton. O. (n. 100) .... w Ref. 1 50
2 00 Church Eclectic, New York ...................... 1 50
1 00 Church Economist, N.Y. (n. 80) ........ w Relig. 1 00
2 50 Church Standard (Clergy $1.75) ................. 2 25
2 50 Church Standard, Phila. ..................w Epis. 2 15
3 50 Churchman, N.Y. (new. 3 20) ............ w Epis. 3 40
3 00 To Clergy (new 2 75) ................... w Epis. 2 90
1 50 Church Progr’ss, St. Louis (1 00 new) .. w Cath. 1 40
50 Cincinnati Weekly Gazette ............... w Rep. 45
8 00 Cincinnati Co’mercial Trib’ne. ... 6 issues Rep. 6 70
2 50 Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Sun. ............ 2 15
1 50 Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. Sat. ............ 1 45
1 00 Cincinnati Enquirer (Sun. 2 00-1 80) .... w Dem. 60
12 00 Cincinnati Enquirer .............. 6 issues Dem. 10 40
14 00 Cincinnati Enquirer .............. 7 issues Dem. 12 10
5 00 Cincinnati Price Current (new 4 70) ..... w Com. 5 00
3 00 Cincinnati Times-Star (w 50-45) .... 6 iss. Rep. 2 00
3 00 Classical Review, Boston. ......... 10 Nos. Lit. 2 65
2 00 Clay Worker, Indianapolis. Ind. ......... m Com. 1 65
2 00 Cleveland Leader ...................... t w Rep. 1 90
3 00 Cleveland Leader ................. 6 issues Rep. 2 85
1 00 Cleveland Plaindealer ................... w Dem. 85
5 00 Cleveland Plaind’ler (Sun 200-180) .. 6 iss. Dem. 4 20
1 50 Cleveland Pl’in d’ler, sp’al mail ed. .... 6 is. 1 40
3 00 Cleveland Press (6 issues) ..................... 2 65
1 50 Cleveland World (Sun 2.00-1 .65) ... 6 iss. Rep. 1 25
2 50 Clinical Review, Chicago (n. 2.20) ...... m Med. 2 50
2 00 Clinique ....................................... 1 65
1 00 Clothier and Furnisher, New York ........ m Com. 90
1 00 Club Woman, Boston ........................... m 75
5 00 Coal Trade Journal. N.Y.(n. 4 25) ....... w Com. 4 70
1 00 Collector ...................................... 85
5 20 Collier’s Weekly N.Y. (F.P. .80) ............. w 5 20
1.00 Colman’s Rural World, St. Louis ........ w Agri. .85
2.00 Colored American, Washington ................. w 1.50
1.00 Colorado School Jon’l, Denver ..... 10 nos. Edu. .75
4.00 Commercial Bulletin, Boston (n 3.25) .... w Com. 4.00
10.00 Commercial and Financial Chronicle, New York Fin. 10.00
1.00 Commoner, Lincoln ............................ w .80
.75 Companion ............................... m O.F. .50
1.00 Confederate Veteran, Nashville................ m .75
2.00 Confectioner’s Jour., Phila. (n. 1.65) .. m Com. 2.00
3.00 Congregationalist, Boston (n. 2.65) .... m Cong. 2.90
1.00 Conn. Courant (n. .90) ....................... w 1.00
2.00 Connecticut Magazine, Hartford ............... m 2.00
1.00 Connecticut Farmer, Hartford ............ w Agr. .85
.50 Cooking Club, Goshen, Ind. ................... m .45
4.50 Contemporary Review, reprint ............ m Lit. 4.00