with Success or Good Housekeeping ............ 2 50
with any two in Offer No. 1 Page 2 ........... 3 00
with any one in Class B or C ................. 3 75
with any two in Class B or C Page 2 .......... 5 25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
Everybody’s may be added to any club for One Dollar
3 00 Chattanooga Times (w. .50-.45) .......... 6 iss. 2 60
3 00 Chicago Am. (Sun. 2 50-2 10).6 issues ......... 2 50
4 00 Chicago Chronicle (Sun 2. 00-1 75) . 6 iss. Dem. 3 40
2 00 Chicago Citizen ......................... w Ind. 1 65
3 00 Chicago Examiner ...................... 6 issues 2 45
4 00 Chicago Inter-Ocean (w. 1 0)-70 .... 6 iss. Rep. 3 25
6 50 Chi. Inter-Ocean (Sun. 2 50-2 15) .. 7 iss. Rep. 5 25
2 50 Chicago Interior (w) ........................... 2 40
2 00 Chicago Journal .................. 6 issues Rep. 1 75
1 00 Chicago Ledger (w) ............................. 85
1 00 Chicago Ledger (F.P. 2 00) .............. w Lit. 85
75 Chicago Markets, Chicago ..................... w 65
4 00 Chicago News ..................... 6 issues Ind. 3 40
4 00 Chicago Re’rd-H’ld (Sun. 2 50-2 50) 6 iss. Dem. 4 00
6 50 Chicago Record-Herald ............ 7 issues Dem. 6 50
2 50 Chicago Tribune (Sun) ..................... Rep. 2 50
4 00 Chicago Tribune .................. 6 issues Rep. 4 00
50 Children’s Friend. Dayton, O ............ w Juv. 50
1 00 Chimea. Baltimore ............................ w 90
90 Choir Herald, Dayton. O ...................... m 80
90 Choir Leader Dayton ...................... O. M. 80
1 00 Christian ...................................... 75
2 60 Christian Advocate. N.Y. ............... w Meth. 2 55
2 00 Ch’stian Advo., N’h’ille, Tenn. (n. 1 65)w Meth. 1 85
2 00 Christian Advocate, New Orleans ........ w Meth. 1 50
1 50 Christian and Miss. Alliance, N.Y. ........... w 1 25
1 00 Christian Cynosure, Chicago ........... w A.S.S. 1 00
1 00 Christian Endeav’r W’rld, (new .90) .......... w 1 00
1 50 Christian Evangelist St. Louis ........ w Chris. 1 45
1 50 Christian Herald, Detroit ............... w Bap. 1 40
1 50 Christian Herald, New York ............. w Evan. 1 50
We allow News dealers, Postmasters and bona fide
agents a commission of 35 cents on Christian Herald.
1 50 Christian Instructor, Phila, (n. 1 20) . w Pres. 1 50
2 65 Christian Intelligen’r. N.Y., (n. 2 30) . w Ref. 2 65
1 50 Christian Leader. Cincin. (n. 1.15) ..... w Dic. 1 35
2 50 Christian Observer. (n. 2 00) .......... w Pres. 2 50
3 00 Christian Register, Boston, (n 2.25) ... w Unit. 2 85
2 00 Christian Science Journal, Boston ............ m 1 95
1 00 Christian Science Sentinel ..................... 1 00
50 Christian Science Quarterly .................... 50
1 50 Christian Standard Cincinnati .......... w Disc. 1 40
1 50 Christian Standard, Phila. (n. 1 15) ... w Evan. 1 40
1 50 Christian Witness, Boston .............. w Evan. 1 25