1.00 Bloomington (III.) Pantagraph ........... w Rep. .95
1.00 Bohemia, n, Deposit, N.Y. ..................... m .80
2.00 Book-keeper & Business Short Cuts ............ m 1.00
1.00 Book-keeper, Detroit (F.P. .60)............... m .75
Book-Keeper including book “Business Short Cuts”
with Cosmopolitan or one in class A .......... 1.50
with Harper’s Bazar or one in class A ........ 1.50
with Success or any one in class A ........... 1.50
with any two of above ........................ 2.00
with any three of above ...................... 2.50
with Success and World’s Work ................ 3.00
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
3.00 Booklovers Magazine, (F.P. 1.00) .......... Lit. 3.00
Booklovers Magazine in class B
with Am. Boy and Success ..................... 3.00
with Harper’s Bazar and Leslies Mo. .......... 3.25
with any two in class A, Page 2 .............. 3.25
with Success and Cosmopolitan ................ 3.00
with Country Life or Craftsman ............... 4.50
with Review of Reviews or any one in
class B or C ............................... 3.75
with Outlook (new) ........................... 4.25
See other club offers in forepart of this catalogue.
2.00 Bookman, N.Y. (F.P. 72) ...................... m 1.90
.50 Book News, Phila. (Wanamaker) ........... m Lit. .45
1.00 Book Seller, Chicago ................... m Trade .75
1.00 Book World, N.Y. ............................. m .85
2.50 Boot and Shoe Recorder, Boston .... w Com. 2.25
6.00 Boston Advertiser ..................... 6 issues 5.60
1.00 Boston Cooking School Magazine ............... m .75
6.00 Boston Herald (Sun. 2.00) .......... 6 iss. Ind. ask
3.00 Boston Home Journal ..................... w Lit. 2.40
3.00 Boston Journal (w. 1 .00-.95)..... 6 issues Rep. 2.85
2.50 Boston Pilot (new, 2.00) ............... w R. C. 2.25
3.00 Boston Post (Sun. 2.50-2.40) ..... 6 issues Ind. 2.90
3.00 Boston Evening Record ............ 6 issues Rep. 2.60
1.50 Boston Eve. Transcript (6 mos. .80) ..... w Rep. 1.50
9.00 Boston Eve. Transcript .............. daily Rep. 9.00
3.00 Boston Traveler (w. 1.00-.65) .... 6 issues Rep. 2.85
5.00 Botanical Gazette, Chi. (F.P. .50) ...... m Sci. 4.25
1.50 Bowlers Journal, N.Y. ........................ w 1.50
.50 Boys and Girls, Ithaca ....................... m .50
Boys and Girls in Offer No. 3
with Youth and American Boy .................. 1.75
with Harper’s Bazar .......................... 1.75
with any two in class A ...................... 1.75
with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................. 1.25
1.20 Boys Own Paper, Toronto ................. m Juv. 1.15
.50 Boys World, Chicago .............. w Juv. .50
Boys World in Offer No. 3:
with Success or Leslies Monthly ............. 1.25
with Cosmopolitan or Pearson ................ 1.25
with Little Folks (new) ..................... 1.25
with any two of above ....................... 1.75